
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Rocky Top whitetails

    Wildcore Sexed semen going off tonight

    1/5 Straws of wildcore sexed semen going off tonight these are the last straws being offered on auction before he grows out this summer with the exception of one straw donated to the PDFA Spring Fund Raiser...
  2. ToddM

    2015 Internet Select Sale Tonight

    2015 Internet Select Sale Tonight   Tune in tonight for the 2015 Whitetail Exchange Internet Select Sale.  The first items available for the normal Wednesday No Reserve Sale will be at 8:45pm.  At 9:45pm the Internet Select Sale will begin.  This is a sale you wont want to miss.  There is...
  3. Antlershed

    I had a close call tonight

    Well, it finally happened today, I always feared this would happen and thankfully I was quick enough on my feet to escape almost guaranteed death tonight. It's a long story, but I'll just start by saying everything that could go wrong today did. I started mid morning to run some bucks in for a...
  4. alpha and omega whitetail

    Just felt compelled this evening to share this tonight

    I hope you find it as filling as I did and do, God Bless    
  5. ToddM

    If your bored tonight

    Follow this link. Its half time. Darren Deckard's son Hunter is number 32. He is the starting running back. They are the Blue team.
  6. S

    CWD Comments Due Tonight

    Below is an outline for those that have not yet commented on the CWD Rule. I cannot stress how important this is for the industry!!! Please pass this on to producers that you think will step up to the plate and speak up for the industry. This does not take a lot of time, you can use my...
  7. J

    60 Minutes tonight

    Here is a link to a segment on CBS 60 Minutes about big game hunting in TX. I think its actually a pretty good video, it makes the animal rights person look pretty ignorant and narrow minded. I hope the link works.;storyMediaBox...
  8. Droptine

    Tda houston banquet tonight

    If there are any Texas Deer Breeders in or around the Houston area, we are having our Houston chapter TDA banquet tonight (Friday, Aug. 13) at the Woodlands Marriot Convention Center. Sorry for the short notice, but if you'd like to come call me directly 281-381-4054. Doors open at 5pm. visit...