
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. P

    MK tranquilizer for collecting bucks

    Does anyone have experience using  Medetomidine/Ketamine for drawing semen from bucks? If so, would you be willing to share your experiences, both positive and negative. Thank you in advance.
  2. R

    Tranquilizer drug

    I will be needing to knock out my does to AI. What drugs do you recommend to use and reversal? Thanks
  3. I

    tranquilizer jab stick

    Has anyone ever used a tranquilizer jab stick and blow guns? If so where would I buy a good one? Thanks Mike
  4. T

    what Tranquilizer equipment do you use?

    Looking at the Cap-Chur equipment and it looks like a good thing anyone have one or use one?
  5. South Alabama Whitetails

    Fawn tranquilizer

    What is the right dosage for about a 2 week old fawn.
  6. Edgemoor

    Cheaper tranquilizer?

    Does anyone know of a cheaper tranquilizer than rompum/telazol or a cheaper place to get telazol? My local vet charges 52.25/bottle if I get 5 or more. The five or more is not a problem, I will need about 100 bottles next year. With the price of everything going up except the sale price of my...