
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. K

    Is this momma in trouble?

    Hello, I just need to know if this doe is in trouble. My home backs up to the woods and the same doe has been visiting for about 8 years now. She comes every 2-3 days, eats some carrots and apples I toss out...brings her twin fawns every year too. The past few days I have noticed her ?udder...
  2. Freedom Whitetails

    Anyone else having trouble with we opening

    I can't get it to open
  3. IndependenceRanch

    IN cop and wife in trouble for helping fawn

    Maybe this story was shared or talked about on here already, if so I apologize for repeating it. I just saw this now while wasting time in my hotel room here in Hong Kong trying not to go stir crazy...
  4. D

    Cidr trouble

    OK this is not my week I have a doe put the cidr in her yesterday she has a whitish muckas in that area was wondering if this is normal or if i should pull the cidr this is my first year to Ai so any help would be great Thanks Nick P.s am planning on giving her 10 cc of penicillin and 4 cc...
  5. W

    having trouble posting pictures

    can someone please give me info on hopw to post pics on here
  6. C

    trouble with fawns

    Anyone ever had fawns passing loose white poop looks like bird poop almost pure white. Lost one fawn from it so far but i've noticed it on others any help would be appreciated. thanks for your time

    Fawn in Trouble

    A friend of mine called a few minutes ago. He has a fawn that he pulled 24 hrs. ago that can't poop. He says she tries but can't get it done. He gave her a small dose of a children's enima this afternoon two different times but no luck. He says she has a bloated look but still wants the...
  8. E

    doe fawn with ankle trouble

    I have a six month old doe fawn that injured her back leg when i ran her thru the chute two weeks ago to vacinate and worm. She couldn't extend her hoof at the bottom joint enough and when she would put weight on it, it would roll under. It was getting better and i thought it was going to heal...
  9. F

    Trouble with fawn taking bottle

    I am having trouble with one of my fawns, she will take the bottle and has been for about three weeks but she will not take it from the tip of her nose she wants to chew on the nipple from the side of her mouth. I have been trying to correct this problem but can not seem too. Does anyone have...
  10. H

    Having trouble uploading pics. Any suggestions?

    Every time I try to upload a picture it tells me that the upload has failed. I have tried several different pics. Can't figure it out.
  11. N

    Ear Trouble....

    We have a baby deer with a terribly infected ear. We put him to sleep yesterday and tried to get the infection out. Then when he woke up he went crazy and ripped his ear open. He is now in terrible pain. We were wondering if we could give him baby asprin to relieve some of the pain. Its so sad...
  12. B

    Fawn Trouble, Help!

    I'm hoping someone can give me some guidance because I'm way past my expertise level. I have a week old doe fawn that I'm very worried about losing. She was being bottle fed at a friends deer farm because my facility wasn't ready when we bought her mother. I got a worried call from my friend...
  13. Wicked Whitetails

    Trouble starting on bottle

    Hello pulled fawns sat at noon. 2 were 2 days old 2 were 3 days old. Tried to feed at 4pm and 10pm both times they wouldnt suck. I would squeze a little in their mouth and then eventually they would swallow but nothing substantial. Tried feeding again at 6am this morning. Just about the same...
  14. S

    Check this out, sounds like we are in trouble

    Look what's on the 2010 tax return Is this possible ?? WHEN'S IT GOING TO END PEOPLE? Verified true on Snopes at Now ALL GUNS must be listed on your next (2010) tax return! Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put...
  15. W

    Trouble for ohio deer farmers ?

    Excuse me for posting a rumor, but has anyone heard of a bill in Ohio's legislature designed to take the management of our captive herd away from the DNR? I looked for something about it here first, and saw nothing. Thanks, Jamie
  16. E

    5 year old buck in trouble, please help!

    2 1/2 weeks ago, one of my bucks opened a gate and got in the pen with another of my bucks. I came home from work to find them both in the same pen, one with a broken main beam. Got them separated. The one with the broken antler seemed okay with the exception of having been beaten up. No...
  17. F

    Fawn Trouble

    I got a doe fawn that is five weeks old today. We introduced a small amount of pellets Sunday and upped them to 10 oz per feeding Sunday as well. Both her and her twin brother eat very well, but today at the 6 pm feeding she didn't touch her bottle, but had great pelleted poo and peed as well...
  18. L

    Fawn Trouble

    I have a bottle fed fawn that is 6 weeks old and her stool is very bloody and won't eat and weak. Does anyone have any suggestions. Thank You, Trish