
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. B

    true or false

    Does That Stuff From Shock Effect Really Work?:confused:
  2. J

    True Blue

    Does anyone have any pictures of True Blue last year or have any info on who owns him now?
  3. B

    true typicals

    is there a demand for a true typical reproducer.i have a reason for asking this but want some feedback first.2 y.o.s 190" to 210" and 1 y.o.s 178'' to 190'' none with over 3% deductions,not out of typical does .look forward to hearing from you. brian
  4. D

    almost true

    A Navy destroyer stops four Mexicans in a row boat rowing towards California. The Captain gets on the loud-hailer and shouts, "Ahoy, small craft. Where are you headed?" One of the Mexicans puts down his oar, stands up, and shouts, "We are invading the United States of America!" The...
  5. U

    Jordan’s hunting wish comes true!

    Jordan harvested this awesome buck scoring around 150 at Wilderness Whitetails in Rosholt, WI. His father Jason said, “Kids need the outdoors to enjoy life to the fullest and my son truly enjoy his hunt.” Many thanks for the continued support from Wilderness Whitetails and Wildlife Gallery who...
  6. J

    Dreamcatcher, Geyser, or True Blue

    Does anyone have any pictures from there farms or someone elses of these deer? Thanks for your help
  7. A

    Scary if true

    Sorry, wasn't sure what topic this thread belonged under...this was forwarded to me by a friend. This is totally crazy and it should make you want to slap the hell out Of the idiots we have in Washington DC. (I felt that way before reading this) Georgia Arms is the 5th largest retailer...
  8. L

    Christmas how true it is

    Twas the month before Christmas When all through our land, Not a Christian was praying Nor taking a stand. See the PC Police had taken away The reason for Christmas - no one could say. The children were told by their schools not to sing About...
  9. J

    Another Dreame Comes True

    .. This Caleb elk He Shot At Heartland wildlife ranch John USSA
  10. ohdeer

    Need photos: True Typical frame & long single brows

    Hello! I know everyone is probably out AIing...but if you check in, we are looking for print quality pics (not the web quality posted here) -Frame pics and Single brow pics (not necessarily in same photo). We are working on articles such as "Re-Defining Frame", as well as an article on big...
  11. U

    Dream come true

    October 7, 2009 Dream come true Teenager granted wish to hunt bear By Kristen J. Kubisiak [email protected] A 13-year-old Door County hunter got his first bear last month, and it was no small feat. Ben Junion of Jacksonport shot a 100-pound black bear Sept. 27 in...
  12. M

    Is it true that Maxbo XL passed away? I heard he died.

    Just wanting to know?