
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. ToddM

    United Deer Farmers of Michigan Contest

      United Deer Farmers of Michigan (UDFOM) 2015 Convention.  Biggest Yearling Contest   UDFoM is hosting a largest yearling buck contest once again this year. Eligible entries will be from any semen won in games or purchased either on live auction, online, or on...
  2. ToddM

    United Deer Farmers of Michigan Benefit Auction March 7 and 8

    18pxUnited Deer Farmers of Michigan Benefit Auction March 7 and 8   18pxThe United Deer Farmers of Michigan is holding their annual fundraiser on March 7 and 8 at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mt Pleasant Michigan.  The UDFOM has put together an incredible live auction, silent auction and...
  3. K

    United We Stand

    Gotta watch this http://youtu.be/AMpZ0TGjbWE I hope you guys enjoyed that video. This video really hits home for most farmers as we all share a common goal. Sometimes we get caught up in politics, egos, personal agendas or maybe just lost in problems of our everyday life. Before you know it...
  4. C


    As I read all the posts on here lately I see all the arguing on who's is bigger and who's smarter and lets not forget who's heard more. lets all keep in mind that our opposition reads this as well and they can see that this is not a united industry. I certainly read their forums and they don't...
  5. S

    United Deer Farmers of Michigan Annual Fundraiser

    United Deer Farmers of Michigan's Annual Fundraiser has begun! Thanks to all of the great people in our industry who have donated to this cause, we have many nice items listed on www.whitetailexchange.com -- be sure to check them out! We will continue this auction at our live auction being held...
  6. D

    United Deer Farmers of Michigan Benefit Auctoin.

    The United Deer Farmers of Michigan Benefit Auctoin is now up on Whitetail Exchange.
  7. Russell

    United Elk Farmers Association Meeting

    July 17, 2010 -Don't Miss Out ..on the opportunity to spend the day, Saturday, July 17th with Guest Speaker, Dr. Douglas Wagner of Black Horse Animal Hospital located in Kinzer, PA. Dr. Wagner is a medical specialist in the cervid industry and will be speaking on a variety of cervid health...
  8. U

    United Special Sportsman Alliance thrills volunteer by donating elk hunt

    October 16, 2009 United Special Sportsman Alliance thrills volunteer by donating elk hunt By Ashley A. Smith Marshfield News-Herald PITTSVILLE -- For five years, Wayne Schwanebeck has helped the Pittsville-based United Special Sportsman Alliance to provide outdoors activities to...
  9. S

    United Deer Farmers of Michigan Fundraiser

    Please join us for the United Deer Farmers of Michigan first annual banquet and fundraiser! An online auction will begin the event on August 4th on www.whitetailexchange.com and will continue through August 14th at noon. These ending bids will be carried over to our live auction being held...
  10. W

    United Deer Farmers of Michigan Benefit Auction on Whitetail Exchange

    Beginning today at noon the United Deer Farmers of Michigan will have teir consignments for their benefit auction on Whitetetail Exchange. All items will start at just $10! All consignments will run until August 14th. At the conclusion of the online portion of the auction on the 14th at...