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  1. T

    USDA to Delay Advancement of CWD Program Standards!

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom 10/23/2013 USDA to Delay Advancement of CWD Program Standards Dr John Clifford to Give Personal Review of Standards Document SAN DIEGO- This week, during the United States Animal Health Association annual conference, USDA’s Dr John Clifford...
  2. T

    USDA Officials: CWD Standards Going to Public Comment Soon

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom September 20, 2013 USDA Officials: CWD Standards Going to Public Comment Soon Industry Leaders Meet with USDA APHIS to Discuss Future of Cervid Industry USDA/APHIS invited several industry leaders to Washington D.C. to discuss concerns...
  3. R

    "Prionzyme" Cleaning up CWD by USDA

    Available on USDA website, and we ask, why haven't we been informed of this research? In the standards they limit the use of equipment between farms/pens due to cross contamination. I would guess, waiting on USDA approval...
  4. T

    CWD Standards Comparison between Industry and USDA Versions

    CWD Standards Comparison between Industry and USDA Versions Standards Working Group Adopts Only 25% of Cervid Rep’s Suggestions The American Cervid Alliance analyzed two major versions of the standards from the CWD Standards Working Group led by USDA’s Dr Patty Klien. The Standards Working...
  5. A

    Missouri Farmers-new USDA

    Will we still be afforded CWD tags by the state? What is everyone's understanding on how we will tag our fawns this year?
  6. S

    USDA Ends National Animal ID Program
  7. A

    Mike Callicrate on NAIS and USDA's Wrong Focus

    Mike Callicrate on NAIS and USDA's Wrong Focus An open letter to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack: By Mike Callicrate