
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    new user Washington state

    Hello Thanks for having me .
  2. H

    New User in Missouri

    Hey everyone, my name is Gary I am retired Soldier after 22 years of service. I am about to close on 187 acres in Crocker, MO. My wife and I have wanted to start a deer farm of sorts for years and it looks like I will soon have my chance. Nothing big, really just a handful of deer for our...
  3. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Searching user: ?

    Just wondering why 9:30 or later at nite if you look under whose online. Like tonite 49 people online,11 registered users and out of the rest of the guest 16 are checking out user profiles. Just wondering why........should we start a fan club or what? LOL or are these tree huggers scopeing us...