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  1. The Roberts Ranch

    EHD Vaccine

    :eek: Where are you guys getting the EHD vaccine? We were hit here in Ohio last fall and I am going to vaccinate this year. My vet is looking into it for me, but I wanted to see where you all purchase it from and your results?
  2. P

    Pneumonia vaccine

    I would like to start vaccinating my fawns for pneumonia and am looking for advice on what to use that works and where to buy. thank you
  3. J

    Adverse reactions to vaccine?

    I vaccinated my 1 day old twins yesterday and within less than 5 min. the little doe was completely out of it, limp like a rag. The only thing working was the nose and she would blink when I gently blew at her eyes. Heart rate/breathing extremely slow. She urinated several times while...
  4. Jack

    EHD vaccine

    Can someone tell me who has the best EHD vaccine.  A friend from Kanas called me for a source. Thanks so much. Jack
  5. Russell

    Vaccine for CWD

    It appears that NYU School of Medicine has developed a vaccine for CWD.   For more information, see this article.   However, the article also contains a bunch of BS ... "CWD afflicts as much as 100 percent of North America's captive deer population, as well as large numbers of other...
  6. D

    Update,Lice CWD test and CWD vaccine testing info video

    Good afternoon all, Im attaching a link for some of you to see some of the video on new vaccine testing. This is a follow up to a earlier one.    Go to          PS Sorry for the misspell in the heading I meant live not
  7. F

    EHD Vaccine.... is it working??

    was wondering if anyone who vaccinated with Newport labs vaccine has had EHD losses?... lost my herd last year and started with new herd last fall and vaccinated this spring... all seems well at the moment....
  8. J


    Red Ridge Whitetails has developed a vaccine over the past few years that is showing very promising results in the prevention of Pneumonia, foot root, and lump jaw caused by Fuso-bacterium and A-pyo. In addition we have incorporated 4 E-coli strains specific to whitetail species. All sampling...
  9. C

    Ehd vaccine

    I've got a question does anyone know where we can buy Ehd vaccine without paying threw the nose. I had my vet look for me and he came up with one place out of texas. You had to become a member of their association for $100 a year and then it was over $7.00/dose seems a bit much
  10. La. Bone Collector

    Intranasal vaccine ?

    I was going to order them today, and they were pulled from the shelves. It was the INTERVET brand. The other options are: NASALGEN IP( covers IBR, and PI3) TSV-2 (covers IBR, and PI3) INFORCE 3 (covers BRSV, IBR and PI3) Are there available anything I'm missing? Please help as I want to...
  11. M

    Mycoplasma Bovis Vaccine

    Has anyone every used the M. Bovis vaccine, which is used to prevent respiratory disease? Here is the reason why I am asking. Over the last few weeks, I have lost a couple deer. I had a necropsy done and supposedly they had this Mycoplasma Bovis, which is a strain of pneumonia found mostly in...
  12. B

    EHD Vaccine???

    Does anyone know where I can some EHD vaccination meds? I am needing about 500cc's but will take whatever I can get, thank you.
  13. T

    EHD Vaccine Available

    Last year, the Deer Breeders Corporation worked with Newport Labs and Drs. Dedwylder and McBride to create an EHD/BT vaccine for DBC members. The DBC sold out of the vaccine earlier this year, but more will be available at the end of this month. The DBC is now taking pre-orders for the...
  14. L

    Which VACCINE now??

    My doe fawn was vaccinated (and boosted) last year at the age of 12 weeks with the EHD vaccine and with Covexin-8. Question: WHAT IF ANY VACCINES SHOULD I GIVE HER NOW AT 14 months of age? We are in Illinois.
  15. W


    Just wondering what everyone thinks is the best vaccine for newborn fawns. We have been using covexin-8. I have heard mentioned fusovacterium,not sure it is a vaccine. comments?
  16. R

    Intranasal pneumonia vaccine

    Has anyone used any of the intranasal vaccines for respiratory problems? I have used Presponse in 2009 and didn't have any problems with pneumonia. Last year I didn't vaccinate and had lots of problems with pneumonia especially as a secondary infection from EHD/Bluetongue. As dry and dusty as it...
  17. R

    Texas DBC EHD vaccine

    I was just curious to see if any one has had any problems with the DBC Ehd Vaccine?
  18. R

    vaccine and deworming

    What do most of you deworm/vaccinate with and at what age? Three fawns that are about 35 lbs each ranging from 2-4 months. Thanks
  19. La. Bone Collector

    Vaccine: Types 1,2,6 EHD

    Its time for me to vaccinate! I talked with several farmers who agreed that the closer to the EHD season the better. We've concluded that some deer just don't carry the residuals in their system as long as other deer. I lost a tremendous doe last year in late August that had been triple...
  20. T

    EHD Vaccine

    hey i just got my ehd vaccine and was wondering if it was ok to shoot my bred does right now or would you guys wait till they fawn?