
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Bell

    Vote today!

    Support those who support deer ranches. Remove those who don't. Casting your vote will make a difference. Consider how often our industries legislation has failed by just one vote. Contact your associations legislative committee and they can provide a list of who our friends are that have...
  2. roughcountrywhitetails

    vote before midnight Help my nephew and his football team by voting for hillsboro festus game of the week. Voting ends at midnight lets help them out. Thanks guys
  3. M

    Missouri House did not overide Veto by one vote. Passed in Senate!

    Jefferson County Rep changed his vote last minute! He is in a tight race!!! Wonder what he was promised?
  4. T

    ACA Update- Unanimous Vote to Explore Legal Options Regarding CWD Standards

    July 23, 2013 From the American Cervid Alliance Newspage Unanimous Vote to Explore Legal Options Regarding CWD Standards Council to Send Letter to USDA Labeling Standards as “Unacceptable” The American Cervid Alliance met Tuesday to discuss the ongoing concerns of the Version 22 CWD...
  5. X

    Time to vote on qdma forum

    If you go to the QDMA forums they have a vote going on about the bills in Indiana, Georgia, Miss, Tenn,wW.V. and the other states. Here is your chance to show we support the deer farmers in these states. EVERY vote makes a statement for our industry. It is under the General forum. I am enclosing...
  6. Rick

    please vote for this young man

    If you would be willing to help, YOUR assistance is needed to help support a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for one of our students. Trine’s very own senior student-athlete and quarterback Eric Watt is among the final 10 picked for the prestigious Gagliardi Trophy. The Gagliardi Trophy is named...
  7. South Alabama Whitetails

    Please Vote

    Tomorrow you get a chance to send a message. Take someone with you to the polls. If you don't vote then don't complain about what is going on in Washington!