
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. T

    Laurie Seale: Wait for live CWD test before adding elk

    From the American Cervid Alliance News Room:   Laurie Seale: Wait for live CWD test before adding elk Wisconsin State Journal Opinion January 25, 2015 By LAURIE SEALE GILMAN — Wisconsin discovered chronic wasting disease in free-ranging deer over a decade ago. Since then, the...
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    Lap AI is done, time to wait for May...

    We finished our AI on Halloween. We are excited to see how it goes. We used a lot of male arced semen from a big XL 2 year old. According to Dr Bringans, it was a great collection on the buck and a great sorting. We are hoping for great success as we lost our buck fawn numbers are low this year...
  3. H

    Can't wait till May

    It was confirmed that our Texas Tea/Challenger/Stormy doe is pregnant no bloodwork needed our Vet felt the fawn(s) today while testing. That means our AI to Doublewide (Bucky Son) took because I did not expose her to a backup buck. Oh Joy come on May. What are some of your can't wait...