
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. C

    Weaning fawns off of Mother

    Until recently I was deer farming with my father until he passed away in October. He always took care of weaning the animals and unfortunately I was not present. I am looking for ideas/recommendations on the best way to separate the fawn from its mother? Any help would be greatly appreciated...
  2. W

    Weaning time

    I have 3 does that have been bottle fed. They are now about 12 weeks old and getting 12 oz of milk 2 times a day. They get to be outside in the yard to graze most of the day and a bowl of fruits (strawberry’s bananas okra blueberries blackberries you name it lol) I also give them some “goat...
  3. T


    i got a doe thats a bag of bones. has two fawns on her, how soon can i pull fawns off her. i know 10 weeks has been used in the past, anyone done it any earlier? and if so, how did the fawns do? thanks
  4. B

    Weaning our fawn

    Hello to all,   We got our fawn on June 11th of this year.   My question is, when do I wean her from the bottle.   Any help will be greatly appreciated   Sharon
  5. RyanR

    Weaning mother raisied fawns

    Wondering what everyone's take is on separating mother raised fawns as far as time frame. There is many topics on weaning regarding bottle fawns throughout this forum, but got to thinking that this may be a good informational topic for both experienced and novice farmers. I personally have...
  6. M

    Weaning Fawn

    Hello All, Just want to say thank you to everyone for sharing their experience and knowledge with me in aiding with raising our deer farm. With that said we have 8 doe fawns and 2 out of 8 have already weaned themselves. My question is when do you guys/gals start cutting down to 2 times a...
  7. C

    weaning fawns

    Hello. This is my first year deer farming and first time with fawns. Today my fawns are 12 weeks old. They are doing very well. Do to pen space and the way I Have them seperated I would like to pull fawns as soon as possible from mother. They are drinking water and eating pellets and hay. Is it...
  8. redwood_river_whitetails

    Advice on weaning procedures

    Was wondering if anyone would share what they actually do at weaning time. We are weaning all fawns this weekend and was planning on vaccinating and tagging. So was wondering what kind of vaccinations that everyone gives. Thanks
  9. R

    Question about Weaning

    At what age should I start weaning my fawn? Any suggestions on how to go about it. She was 6 weeks old yesterday. I feed her 3 times a day (total of 24 oz). She has water and pellets w/ sweet feed mixed in available all of the time but she is showing no interest at all in that. Any...