
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    fawn under 2 weeks with diahhrea

    I have had him for 5 days now. he has had diahrrea to the point its yellow and slimy.yesterday it went to dark brown but today it has gotten a little lighter again. he took a full bottle this morning but hasn't wanted to eat but an ounce it so later in the day.what can I give him other than...
  2. Martin's Deer Products

    REDUCED for quick sale, 2 weeks remaining to save

    Updated 6/20/15 FOR SALE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!!! Call us at (717) 507-6385 to place your order and save while you can. Streamline will officially close 7/2/15 which will be the last chance to buy at these reduced prices. 10 - Small Masks - $20.00 ($15.00) 4 - Large Masks - $20.00 ($15.00)...
  3. B

    Mature doe with scours for weeks. Any advice plz!

    I got a five yr old rolex doe that's had scours for weeks. She has no worms, not coccidiosis or E. coli. Shes not lethargic, eats more than any deer I have and is a frame of bones and her stool is like water. She also grinds her teeth and licks the fence constantly. Any advice would be much...
  4. P

    This weeks upcoming sale

    Has the consigment for this week's ( Kevin Graces's sale) sale been posted online? Have not received a catalogue yet.
  5. D

    Sick Buck fawn for three to four weeks... pull and bottle feed or leave on mom??

    Ok guys buck fawn born 5/13/2012 noticed about four weeks ago he was getting weaker. caught him week and half ago gave him an antiobiotic and Banamine ... looked better not great then started downhill again.... treated again with same did ok for two days not back to laying by feeder all day...
  6. D

    last 2 weeks

    5 coon 11 skunk started last fall with 26 chickens , 1 left neighbor got 5 coon he lost bird food. :mad::(:mad:
  7. S

    3rd Mature Buck in 3 Weeks about to Die!??

    3 days ago I noticed one of the 3yr old bucks I have in a pen with 5 others did not come up to feed. Went looking for him and found him laying down. On my approach he let me get closer than normal before he got up, and when he got up, he had trouble maintaining his balance, but gained his...
  8. C

    A Good Couple of Weeks

    I just wanted to share a couple of big blessings from the last couple weeks . . . First, on September 26th, I was blessed as a part of our ministry, A Higher Pursuit outdoors (www.ahighgerpursuit.com), to take a man suffering from double lung and bladder cancer, on his Final Pursuit at Quest...
  9. M

    Tube Feeding For 2 Weeks!

    What is the longest anyone has kept a fawn alive tube feeding it? I have a 2 1/2 week old doe fawn that I have tube fed for 15 days. I am hoping to feed for about another 15 to 20 days and then wean her. Can it be done. Has anyone ever had to tube feed a fawn till weaning? She is in perfect...
  10. S

    Doe refusing milk at 3 weeks.

    The does have been feeding fairly well. For the last 2 days, they refused to take a bottle. They have solid stools, not pellets, and are grazing in the pen and eating deer chow. They have alot of energy and are very tame. Just worried that only being 3 weeks old they aren't getting all the...