
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. G

    Axis Deer vs Whitetails or fallow

    What's the difference between raising axis and whitetail? Looking to expand our farm and add a second breed. Would you recommend axis or fallow?
  2. G

    For Sale Semen Available - Storm's End Whitetails

    Hello - Storm's End Whitetails has conventional semen available from Big Lou, a Federal Express son. Lou scored 331" in hard horn as a two year old, had 30 inch beams, and a 30" spread. Lou is SS for CWD genetic resistance, and has a big, northern body. Semen is rated excellent and stored at...
  3. W

    CWD whitetails

    How is deer farming affected by CWD affected counties? Out of state marketing? Sales of live deer? Sales of venison? Sales of scents?
  4. T

    For Sale Thunder Valley Whitetails Feeders

    Check out our Gravity Flow Feeders! https://www.thundervalleywhitetails.com/
  5. T

    Mixing Red Deer with Whitetails

    We have a 400 acre preserve. Heavily wooded. Thinking about red deer. Has anyone ran WT with Red Deer together? Some say Red Deer will be too aggressive. Axis and Fallow also in there.
  6. W

    Rocky Ridge Whitetails 2017 breeder bucks

    Check out the links to Rocky Ridge Whitetails 2017 Breeder buck video and breeder catalog Breeder Video https://vimeo.com/236420093 Breeder Catalog http://bit.ly/2xX7Oet
  7. S

    Double R Whitetails

    Double R Whitetails is a brand new all-inclusive whitetail deer hunting ranch located in central Wisconsin. We specialize in providing our hunters with both a challenging and rewarding hunting experience. Whether you are looking for that giant typical or maybe a monster non-typical, Double R...
  8. G

    T-Rex XL at Storm's End Whitetails

    Hi All - Long time member, first time posting. I would like to introduce you to T-Rex XL, a yearling whitetail buck born at Storm's End Whitetails. T-Rex XL ("Big T") is sired by Gladiator XL, and is out of one of our best does, Yellow 20- Stella, who has a deep, Patrick pedigree. Big T is a...
  9. Freedom Whitetails

    Some of what's coming up at Freedom Whitetails in 2017

    Upcoming 2017 fawns: Unforgiven/Express/Danger Gunslinger/Go wide/Texas Tea Triplecrown/Hardcore/Jeckyl Freeze Brand/Express/Gladiator Triple Ought/Hiesman/Monarch I Express Train/Gladiator/Maxbo/Hardcore Masterpiece/Big Guy/Harry Horsepower/Gladiator Xl/Danger Triple Ex/Gladiator Xl/Bambi...
  10. D

    Dakota Whitetails' herd reduction sale

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales auction: check out dvauction.com Feb 24 and 25 for Dakota Whitetails herd reduction including some of my best does! Sun Dragons full sister, Sunstroke's full sister, Free Agent power doe and more Jim Moses 770-329-4768 Does are located in Ohio Most does are LAI'd...
  11. V

    Want To Buy V-Tex Whitetails

    Looking to buy an elk handling squeeze chute.
  12. SouthernEmpireWhitetails

    Southern Empire Whitetails

    Greetings, I operate a whitetail Deer Fram in Alabama and we are looking at getting into the Whitetail/mule hybrid market in hopes of producing high percentage crosses. We are interested in 100% Mule semen and possibly 100% Mule embryo. We are still learning so any help and resources would be...
  13. A

    T3 whitetails

    Was watching Keith Warrens Deer and Wildlife stories. In the episode they showcased T3 whitetails. I came to realize he sold off all of his deer?? Anyone know why?
  14. alpha and omega whitetail

    Straws still available from Rocky Ridge Whitetails

    If you are still looking for last minute conventional and sexed semen for this year breeding click on the link below to see video or check out our 36 page catalog to see Rocky Ridge Whitetails breeder buck they have excellent quality semen from collected and ready to ship from Great Lakes. Or...
  15. alpha and omega whitetail

    2016 Rocky Ridge Whitetails

    Here is a link to see Rocky Ridge Whitetails 2016 breeder bucks on video. This is a must see if you want to see the widest yearling ever measured. If you want to get on the semen waiting list call John Ervin Stoltzfus at 717-768-3336 or email [email protected] Click on this link to...