
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. I

    Fawn won't eat grain: wry nose

    I have a fawn with a crooked face [aka wry nose/ mouth syndrom].  Loves his bottle, and munches his clover, and we've had him hanging out with the other babies hoping he will learn to eat grain like they do.  I've tried sneaking feed in his mouth but he just spits it out.  Is there anything else...
  2. T

    Study: Chronic Wasting Disease Won't Wipe Out Elk

    Study: Chronic Wasting Disease Won't Wipe Out Elk Billings Gazette 3 hours ago  •  Wyoming Game and Fish A 10-year study conducted by the University of Wyoming and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department suggests that the effects of chronic wasting disease on elk may not be as devastating...
  3. D

    Fawn won't eat...help?

    I am in dire need of some advice.  I have a fawn that is 3 days old and the mother has completely abandoned him.  She will come up there and sniff it then walk away.  She is a second time mother and took good care of her fawn last year.  Not sure what is wrong this year.  The fawn is starting to...