
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. T

    When do healthy deer look their best?

    Question for you experienced guys. Been deer farming for a few years now and as I understand it, the body condition of a deer will go through a sort of cycle. Rut/winter will bring them down in body weight, but summer and early fall they look healthy and fat. Does this match with most everybody...
  2. IndependenceRanch

    The worst of times

    I have been in deer since the early 90's and I guess we have hit an all time low for the industry. Folks are now offering free bottle started doe fawns to anyone who wants them. Feed prices are triple what they were in the early 90's and vet costs are through the roof. For me to ship a deer off...
  3. D

    Worst Fawning Season Ever

    I know crap happens....I'm not looking for a pity party....just venting i guess...i'm said...dejected and broke (emotionally) I have been over steps for ai 100 times in my head ai hit 8% ...1/12 took i don't get it..we saw ABSOLUTELY NO action from backup except on one doe We had ONE ai...