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  1. FreeTown WTs

  2. D

    Two yr. old wow factor over time bomb

  3. T

    Thanks from WOW

    I would like to thank everyone involved in Whitetails of Wisconsins benifit to make it a huge success. A special thanks to Scott Follot and Todd Morgan for letting us put our lots on the exchange to start the bidding. We had great speakers, attendance and member participation and thats what it...
  4. IndependenceRanch

    W.O.W. Fundraising Semen Lottery

    I have been thinking about a fun way to raise money for Whitetails Of Wisconsin this year during the April 13 annual banquet. I have not run this idea past the board however I am hoping they won't have an issue with the idea. I dug into my semen list and picked out 10 bucks of varying status in...
  5. alpha and omega whitetail

    Wow hot sale at the mid west select

    I will post results as time allows but for today the total was $697,050 with the avergae lot price of $10, 102. Great job Jerry, Eric and Matt and crew
  6. H

    Exbo Pictures WOW!

    Exbo is a Maxbo Extreme over Orange 2 (Rolex Doe) He is HUGE! And what a great typical look! He will easily be over 400" He is a proven sire as well, his 2 year old sons will all go over 200". Orange 2 (Dam) has 2 or 3 2 year old sons that are over 300" Pics are..... 7-11-2011...
  7. M

    New Fawns, WOW What do I Have Here!

    Just had our first fawns today and man I must say what a surprise. I could not believe my eyes when I got out to them. A Piebald buck fawn out of Dream Maxin (Maxin on Y66, maybe the most notorious Blue 37 daughter out of Maxbo ever) on a High Roller doe. WOW, look at his markings. Anyone know...
  8. Reed68

    2010 antler growth! "wow"

    Gotcha! lol Betcha cant wait though. They should start showing up before long.
  9. B

    Bm wildfire! Wow!!

    BM WILDFIRE @2 Here is a buck that is sarting to show Blue Mountain Whitetails what hes got. He has been putting it on in the last couple of weeks. Pictures will be updates every week because there is sooo much of a change in him. He is going to be BIG!! No question about it!! Please let...
  10. P

    EL Bondie Holy Wow!!!

    Well I got a chance to see Meadow view's EL Bondie and friday night,....and all I can say is WOW,..... This guy is exploding and has more mass and more points than anything I've seen for awhile. This will surely be one of the top three of four bucks to watch for this fall, and see where he...
  11. I

    Typhoon BIG 3 YR. OLD, WOW

    WOW, look at the mass on this 3 yr. old. Today we just got 3 doe fawns and 3 buck fawns out of him. HERE IS HIS FATHER MASSIVE FATHER, MASSIVE SON, MASSIVE GRANDSON?????
  12. PaintedMeadowsBJs

    W.O.W. Auction results

    Does anybody have the results from the W.O.W. Auction? I bid on several things on whitetail exchange...but I don't know what happened after that?:confused: