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  1. F

    Yearling buck unable to use back feet

    I have a yearling buck who got his head caught in a wire panel and now cannot use his back feet, he has a strong appetite and drinks good, he does have swelling in his spine, what kind of medicines and treatments should I do
  2. G

    Yearling Piebald Bucks

    For Sale: Yearling Piebald Bucks Call for pictures & pricing (PA ONLY) Phone calls only Mick - 724-493-1040
  3. B

    Yearling buck not eating and laying with nose in ground

    I have a Yearling 8 point. Still in velvet as of Sept 7th. He has not been eating for the last three days. Temps have been in the 90's in Central, IL. Now temps are rain and 60's he will not get out of his bed and is sitting with his nose to the ground. Slight foam around his mouth, and his nose...
  4. B

    Yearling buck not eating and laying with nose in ground

    I have a Yearling 8 point. Still in velvet as of Sept 7th. He has not been eating for the last three days. Temps have been in the 90's in Central, IL. Now temps are rain and 60's he will not get out of his bed and is sitting with his nose to the ground. Slight foam around his mouth, and his nose...
  5. P

    For Sale Yearling does for sale

    Still have yearling does for sale give me a call or text if interested. 2608491416
  6. S

    Yearling Buck with hunch back

    Early November I went to check on my deer and I found my one yearling buck laying down and had drool coming out of his mouth. (This buck was not bottle fed, and will run away from me). Well I go in there to check him out. He tried to stand and run away but he couldnt get to far and would fall...
  7. B

    Want To Buy Looking to purchase yearling buck

    I'm looking to purchase a yearling buck after velvet is shed. Looking for typical lines. Also I am in Minnesota please send pics and price with pedi. Thank you
  8. D

    Yearling broke main beam

    I have a yearling with the main beam busted off. Anltler is dangling against the side of his head and looks like his eye is starting to swell. Didn't hurt the velvet at all. What should I do. Thanks
  9. S

    feelings on using a yearling to bred with

    Hi I was wanting peoples input on what they thought on using a YEARLING to bred with! *GOOD and BAD! Here is my three choices
  10. Freedom Whitetails

    Sunday warriors biggest yearling contest

    We have decided to do a biggest yearling contest with straws sold this year from Sunday warrior. Contest straws are 1,000/straw. What do you win? Well first off you have a big yearling, but what do I give you. Biggest yearlings owner will win half share in Sunday Warrior and all semen sales...
  11. Freedom Whitetails

    Sunday warrior biggest yearling contest

    Win half of all semen sales by having the biggest yearling in 2018 out of Sunday warrior Prizes for second and third. If somethings should happen to him before 4. A replacement will be added to own half of. Contest straws are $1000/straw. If not interested in half interest we can put a money...
  12. B


    Hi, today one of my yearlings hit the fence and landed on his back. He can't move his front limbs, but no problem with the hind limbs. I used NSAIDs only, but there is no response. I put him 1 hour in the deer handler to keep him standing and avoid excessive postration. Do you think it could be...
  13. R

    Yearling losing hair on his neck

    Hi trying to help a buddy out he has a one year old buck looks like he is loading his hair. I know this buck did get a antler infection this summer and his antlers were cut. Otherwise he said he seemed fine after that tell now. Wondering what your guys thoughts are? Thanks
  14. S

    Yearling Buck with Horrible Green Liquid Stool

    I have a yearling buck that is not doing well, stool is completely liquid and very green.  My deer are on an alfalfa and clover pasture.  I also feed them dry alfalfa and a 17 percent protein / 6 percent Fat textured feed.  Anyone with any ideas or suggestions please let me know.  Thank you
  15. B

    yearling bucks

    I have two yearlings that look as if they can't push there buttons off from last year. The thing that bothers me is one of them is growing long feet. Could the protein be going to his feet instead of his horns?   Thanks Brent Thomure Top Heavy Whitetails
  16. Antlershed

    Selling 50% Partnership Choice 2016 Yearling Off The Farm

    Freedom Whitetails built our 2014 breeding strategy around huge and proven pedigrees. We have 20 bred doe. We are selling a 50% partnership of choice 2015 buck fawn. Better yet you can choose as a yearling in 2016.  There will be a huge yearling from this group and I've priced this so we can...
  17. B

    30" 3/8 Wide Typical Yearling

    4M Voodoo Child @1 Voodoo/2Wide/Sudden Impact 20391:Voodoo Child. 4M Whitetails of Texas
  18. toddhoeffel

    Yearling buck shed or broke one side?

    I had a fellow deer farmer call me and ask if I'd ever had a buck SHED an antler already. I said no, other than some have broken them off.   Have any of you seen this? The yearling just started to shed his velvet, and boom.....the next day, one side is off and laying on the ground. Looking...
  19. WillPenn Whitetails

    Introducing G-TEA. Lonehollow Whitetails largest Yearling ever!

    ff8c00By way of Lonehollow Whitetails, we are very proud to Introduce G-TEA!!! A Texas Tea yearling that has it all: - Largest yearling EVER at Lonehollow Whitetails - Highest selling yearling EVER in Texas - A pedigree that will blow the doors off of the standard model Why buy a base model...
  20. T

    Looking for Hardcore yearling photo

    I'm putting an ad together for a yearling I have from Hardcore and I'm trying to find a yearling photo of Hardcore. Anyone have any they could share? It would be much appreciated 😊