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  1. D

    Heavy Dose today @ 2 yrs

    We put Heavy Dose down today as a precaution, it was 95 degrees out and the flies were terrible, he was starting to shed velvet and the flies were swarming. We gave him antibiotics, pine tarred his points, and sprayed him with fly spray. He was pretty impressive when we got our hands on...
  2. S

    Ammunition 361@3yrs old

    Here is Ammunition, he is an Auggie son with Jerome Patrick and P A Geronimo on the bottom ( double Pa). He scored 361@3 officially scored!:D Hope you like Good luck with your deer JIM SIMONSON 507-227-9194
  3. M

    Pictures of (Dreambuck 326BC at 4 YRS) Deceased !!!

    Here are some pictures of (Dreambuck),The Texas Deer !!!! Click to Enlarge 1196:img005.[/ATTACH][/ATTACH]