Best Pellet Feed

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May 13, 2014
Mayfield, KY
I know textured feed is better. However, I'm curious to hear what everyone considers to be the best (or really good) pellet feed. Thanks in advance.
We use Purina antler ax and have for at least 10 years! Consistent and worry free! Textured gets stuck in Gravity feeders and the birds eat all.
We feed Record Rack for last 2 years. The Textured Breeder is a sweet feed with pellets, grain, sunflower seeds, and some cracked corn. We mix it with their Professional Deer and Elk feed.
Not to hijack the thread but those of you running a textured feed are you using cracked corn or whole? Any benefits to cracked?
ADM pelleted, and I'll put a 2 gallon bucket of rolled soybeans mixed in with each bag I feed.
Half cracked half whole. I get 300 cracked and 300 whole per ton. The cracked lets them eat up all the fines better.
Be careful about feeding something made for animals other than deer. Had a friend who was feeding a sheep feed and he suddenly had deer dying. Sheep can't tolerate copper but deer need a small amount. Without copper deer will die.
Has anyone else ever feed the deer feed made by MFA? I have feed it for 10 years. I tried Antler max 20 for a little over a year and couldn't see any difference in my deer at all it was a good pellet just didn't see any better results and was paying like $175 a ton more for it.  Its about

$375/ton right now. 
Hershey's Huntin Haven1011811424540759

Does ADM make a pellet for deer or are your feeding one of the other animal feeds for example swine?

Yes ADM makes a deer pellet

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