Elk Farming in Washington state

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Jul 1, 2009
I have been doing some reserch on elk farming in different states and have been unable to find much about Washington state ...

Does anybody know of any elk or deer farms/ranches in Wa. state ??
Thank you so much !:D! Do you (or anyone) happen to know why?:confused:? and what other states don't allow elk and deer farms ???
I believe it was once allowed in Washington state (that info is from someone who had a place out there many years ago but was put out of business) but legislation was passed against it and all places had to be shut down within a certain amount of time. It was the usual liberal groups that pushed this agenda through. Don't think you can raise them in Oregon or Montana either if you are looking at surrounding states. You need to move to the midwest, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, or Ohio for example. Can do it in Texas and Oklahoma as well.
WOW even Montana ???

So when checking the laws in different states should I use the term Cervid Farming ??

I understand elk and deer are wild animals but so are buffalo and Washington allows people to raise buffalo....

Thank you for the help !!:)
[quote name='Wild Rivers Whitetails']Don't think you can raise them in Oregon ...QUOTE]

Actually, we are still able to "propagate" deer and elk in Oregon. "All" you need is a Cervid Propagation License (Type 1 or 2) issued from the ODFW and an approved facility. There are a limited number of licenses available.

However, as most everybody else is in our industry, we are under seemingly constant attack by the "haters" to close us down. We're fighting the good fight to keep elk/deer ranching going in Oregon, but it's tough. Lots of time wasted in Salem either at the legislature or the ODFW Commission meetings.

Contact me if you want/need further information about cervid ranching in Oregon.

Alan Ross

Rosse Posse Acres, Inc. Elk Ranch -- Molalla, OR

(503) 829-7107

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