Oh you guys, I've been thinking of a chiropractor, but just picture me walking in to the office with a 50# fawn in my arms. I just might make the call tomorrow and see if he wouldn't make a farm visit, who knows it would be a story I'm sure he could use for awhile. My wife's family has season tickets with him anyway so he might come on out, we'll see what tomorrow brings. Check out the new photos. We seem to be making some head way. I couldn't have asked for a better patient, she is an absolute AWESOME fawn to work with.
Thanks again everyone for your thoughts and ideas. My2girls, by the looks of your picture I wish you were in my neighborhood to care for this girl.
Oh Holly, she has been given Dex twice when the vet was out and I did give her
Banamine this am. Please fill me in on the Dex vs Banamine in close proximity.