Thanks Joe
I think he's doing better, after darting him he doesn't like to come close again just yet, but we'll just wait and see if he grows anymore, haven't seen any more damage yet but we're keeping a close eye on him. From some of the prior posts I know people have different opinions on knocking a buck down when he's still growing, we feel better safe than sorry. Even if he doesn't grow anymore, we'd rather be sure to have him around next year than wait until we see a definite problem and not be able to bring him out of it.
By the way, I don't know if we've had a day in the last two or three weeks that the heat index was below 100, some days up around 110-115. Luckily our pens have trees and plenty of shade.
Hope your buck stops that rubbing, heals up, and keeps growing. He's lookin real good so far.