Beautiful Soul: Needing advise and help

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Jul 1, 2023
I have been lurking and going through many posts. I aquired an orpahned injered buck fawn round 6 weeks ago. His mother was hit on a four lane highway and he was immediately born when that happened. I don't know if he was early or not. he was slightly less rthan 5 pounds BUT story significant other was going to work and seen a "mess" and car parts everywhere.. So around 4 hours later, he went to pick up "deer legs" for our dogs to chew on. Lo and behold...a baby cried out for help .it wasnt just minced meat! He brought him home, First off, I bathed him to get the blood and rocks/asphalt off, and check for bloody wounds He smelld like steak. He was at deaths door..his eyes looked dry and dead. His temp was down..I took a few days to literally sleep under blankets with him . Fed him water and raw honey for energy . Took about a half hour to get an ounce down. Around a week later he was at deaths door again..I dont know what happened, but he look confused, and barely cound take the bottle..he would stretch out his neck and freeze. That night he would cry and have spasms..I went back to syringe feeding ..gave activated charcoal and collodial silver. He recovered..but as for the main injuries we noticed from the hit....front broken left lower leg..splnited with a finger split from Wlagreens for a few weeks. he was also paralyzed in the back half of his body...when his fur would stand on was like a ring around his waist..only the front half would stand up, and the rest nothing. So far, after 6 weeks..he has regained feeling and pretty much stopped walking on his "knuckles" in the back (with assistance) he cannot get up on his own as of now, and his right side of his body is weak..or seriously injured still...we have no way of telling for sure. He has stood up with some balance (with help), but he does have good and bad days. Sometimes he is palyful, and other days not..not sure why its back and forth. he lets me pick him up and hold him..basically for stretching out, instead of laying down 90- 95% of the time. I try to get him up every 3 hours for potty time..yep Im still stimulating, although I know he can go on his own..this is for preventing accidents on the floor and it took him around 5 weeks before he really started to eat leafy greens..I pick wild rose leaves, parslaine, some dandelion leaves, clovers of sorts, wild grape leave, sicamore, and walmut leaves.wild carrot..and other things to snack on. I hydrate him through a bottle still, he dont like water in a bowl. So every 3-5 hours he gets red cap milk some canned pumpkin, and water mixed. I even give him Super food greens from Dr. Shulze (Amercam Boticval Pharmacy) just for making sure he gets his Vits and Mins. Right now Im in a wise..he is causing me to dso 2 loads of laundry per day..around 50 bucks a month in baby wipes. ofc extra milk I even bought a few harneses for 100 at PetSmart. one of them is worthless, he slips right out! LOL. He was able to stand a bit better with help about a week ago or he heavily leans on one side. I need to start better therapy as I can see he has regained movement and feeling. He barely stands on "knuckles" now.. I havent had a full night's sleep in this 6 weeks, and Im not about to give up on him. He is prolly the most tame I have ever encountered..heh I have had two other rescues in the past 10 yrs. Unfortunately, those two passed away was because someone left them cracked corn to feed on...died from that corn toxicity. My other rescue was because she got spooked and entangled into barb wire. Stangled to death...the State Forestry workers were cutting down trees from powerlines and left that on the ground! GRRRR! She was starting to integrate into the local female herd. She was the best success story untill then. So anyways. this baby buck fawn is my first "male". Since he is so in need of recovery, he isnt the type to try to keep wild. I plan on "banding" him when he gets better. Its sad, but it will have to be done :(. Unless i can find someone to take him when he is a bit older on a piece of land to be watched.and cared for to make sure he can be wild one day. So right now this baby stays on my couch, he does have a bit of missing hair on his legs and a small spot on his rump from staying on his preferred side. If he layes on his other side, he sorta gets wild and. he just kicks, etc...but sometimes with calmness and assurance he will lay upwards. I think it hurts him since his hair stands on end and he grinds his teeth on that side the most. So Im in need of some sort of "ideas" for slings, or fawn cradles..I seen them online for almost 200!!! Sigh...... I feel he has a chance if I can start better therapy sessions with him. Im only a small lady, and he is 20 pounds now and we all know how powerful they can be even if small and disabled.. Although I think that is on the small side considering he is a male and wasnt a twin. If anyone has something to help with, please let me know. Im trying to look on Amazon for things ( I only have credit card unfortunatly), This little booger slip outa stuff much more easily..almost cat nature. I have no acess to meds..just natural remedies I guess.This little ****oo trusts me, I gotta do what I can. I dont want him to downgrade in muscle tone more than he is now, only to take him out back ...I dont have vet access either. Our State no longer has wild life rehabs..Im sure you all can deduct and figure out which State. Its sad, life is life..we should all cherrish it no matter how small.If anyone has rehab ideas for me orsling type of donoations..please chime in. I dont like feeling alone in trying to help him walk one day on his own. I seen another fawn in my backyard..he already was missing half his spots...and much bigger. My little guy ..welp is little compared to the wild ones.
Is anyone out there, I havent seen a reply? I have tried contacting the rehab that used to run in our State..but I dont get any meaningful responses. I wrote and entire story..longer than this post..prolly 4x longer in detail about this baby. All they asked was "is it eating grass?" and can it walk?" I already explained everything if they even read my messages :( Im saddened. This baby recently started to have orange and pink like pee pee...indicating blood? When it started he stopped being so cheerful when it came to bottle time..but he still took it. He is also weakened now. If you read my post above, you will understand why he cannot walk or get up. His bones seem to crack alot as well when I move maybe something is very out of place from the accident he was in. I dont know what to do...but he is a fighter for sure. If someone has a used fawn cradle for sale..that is not 200 buy... I want to get him out of his stagnant position since he only lays on one side..with his back legs outstretched and his front tucked in. Im hoping if I keep him in a position that is upright more often..then maybe healing can begin. Or maybe...I hate saying or thinking about this...anyone have a vet friend who could ..........maybe put this baby to sleep? I will not just take it out and leave it to suffer..or shoot it...whay if I missed and caised tremendous suffering? Heck...even if i did have a gun....Little ****oo needs help..and he is getting bigger., heavier...hence harder for me to hold. I hold him to potty around the lock every 2-4 hours..I try to hydrate him more since the weird looking pee pee he suddenly started to have with some lethargy. He dosesnt stay outside..I do take him out maybe 5x a week to lay in the sun andsniff around..although he will not eat at that time for some reason..only if Ipick it and hand it to him.He still wont drink water from a bowl..he literally kicked it away out of my hand one day..all upset about it. This guy is IDk rally. Right now he lays on myh couch since it helps with comfort..he does ahave a couple small spots that lost hair from laying all the time. I try to hold him at least 10 minutes a day (not counting potty time) so he can stretch out a bit. Guys? anyone have anything I can but for cheap? He is around 20 pounds last I check a week or so ago. Any advice with therapies? andy videos to watch on deer recoveries? Goole isnt my friend it seems with this fellow.
Not sure if anyone has read any of my typing...would anyone have a fawn cradle that is used? This baby cannot stand Up by himself and he is geting heavier due to growing. Id buy if anyone has a used one?. He prolly wieghs 25 currently. I just want to be able to ge him up in an upright position more often to see if that would help. His back cracks a lot when I pick him up...Im sure from the 4 lane highway accident it did more wonders to him than the 7 wonders of the Earth!. I would hope staying in a straightened postion would help instead of him laying on his good side..the other side he cannot do...he tries to fly away and I believe it hurts him. Oh Lord, please send someone...even if it means for someone to put him to sleep in peace if he cannot heal. he is about 2 months old and never has been able to walk or get up on his own. I have tried hard, got him to stand a bit, but he seems to be stagnant now. he was completely paralyzed in the back end, but he can move his parts, but his bones crack often, and he collapses all the time. He sometimes helps stand when its potty time, other times, he just cant do it. IDk what to do. Our State has no rescues, hence why Im in this position. I tried talking with a rescue, but all I get uis auto responses...and so far I havent got anything from this site either.. No personal messages either....This little one is getting bigger and harder to handle...Im doing at least 3 loads of laundry daily because of his potty time and accidnets, I forage for him 3x a day (soon to be more)...and if it is too late like 2 am..I make him wait for more greens. He seems alert and all...sometimes a bit bloated and more lazy like...but no soft poopies..I try to back off on foods then, . also I cant find a repsnse anywhere about another problem I think he may have,,,his pee pee seems dark orange sometimes..sometimer pink..and sometimes neon yellow/ this normal? It started happening after he laid on his bad side and never seems to stop. I try to keep him hydrated, since he wont drink from a bowl of water. he literally kicked it outa my hands one day (although laying on his side) he gets mad So every 3-4 hrs I gve hime a bottle around the clock..and every other bottle is either staight milk/kefir/formula and the other isaround 1 oz of milk and the rest water..about 6-7 ounce total each time.. Sigh..maybe someone has a vet friend for me to speak with? Id gladly pay for their travel and if need be a peaceful euthanasia. Im just so tired, its been around the clock care since he was born 2 months ago. maybe all he needs is chiropractic care? idk...but aIl do know if he does recover..he would have to be castrated. Ive delat with females before..but never a severly traumatized buck from the accident. Please someone repond who may have some good advice and help?
I have been lurking and going through many posts. I aquired an orpahned injered buck fawn round 6 weeks ago. His mother was hit on a four lane highway and he was immediately born when that happened. I don't know if he was early or not. he was slightly less rthan 5 pounds BUT story significant other was going to work and seen a "mess" and car parts everywhere.. So around 4 hours later, he went to pick up "deer legs" for our dogs to chew on. Lo and behold...a baby cried out for help .it wasnt just minced meat! He brought him home, First off, I bathed him to get the blood and rocks/asphalt off, and check for bloody wounds He smelld like steak. He was at deaths door..his eyes looked dry and dead. His temp was down..I took a few days to literally sleep under blankets with him . Fed him water and raw honey for energy . Took about a half hour to get an ounce down. Around a week later he was at deaths door again..I dont know what happened, but he look confused, and barely cound take the bottle..he would stretch out his neck and freeze. That night he would cry and have spasms..I went back to syringe feeding ..gave activated charcoal and collodial silver. He recovered..but as for the main injuries we noticed from the hit....front broken left lower leg..splnited with a finger split from Wlagreens for a few weeks. he was also paralyzed in the back half of his body...when his fur would stand on was like a ring around his waist..only the front half would stand up, and the rest nothing. So far, after 6 weeks..he has regained feeling and pretty much stopped walking on his "knuckles" in the back (with assistance) he cannot get up on his own as of now, and his right side of his body is weak..or seriously injured still...we have no way of telling for sure. He has stood up with some balance (with help), but he does have good and bad days. Sometimes he is palyful, and other days not..not sure why its back and forth. he lets me pick him up and hold him..basically for stretching out, instead of laying down 90- 95% of the time. I try to get him up every 3 hours for potty time..yep Im still stimulating, although I know he can go on his own..this is for preventing accidents on the floor and it took him around 5 weeks before he really started to eat leafy greens..I pick wild rose leaves, parslaine, some dandelion leaves, clovers of sorts, wild grape leave, sicamore, and walmut leaves.wild carrot..and other things to snack on. I hydrate him through a bottle still, he dont like water in a bowl. So every 3-5 hours he gets red cap milk some canned pumpkin, and water mixed. I even give him Super food greens from Dr. Shulze (Amercam Boticval Pharmacy) just for making sure he gets his Vits and Mins. Right now Im in a wise..he is causing me to dso 2 loads of laundry per day..around 50 bucks a month in baby wipes. ofc extra milk I even bought a few harneses for 100 at PetSmart. one of them is worthless, he slips right out! LOL. He was able to stand a bit better with help about a week ago or he heavily leans on one side. I need to start better therapy as I can see he has regained movement and feeling. He barely stands on "knuckles" now.. I havent had a full night's sleep in this 6 weeks, and Im not about to give up on him. He is prolly the most tame I have ever encountered..heh I have had two other rescues in the past 10 yrs. Unfortunately, those two passed away was because someone left them cracked corn to feed on...died from that corn toxicity. My other rescue was because she got spooked and entangled into barb wire. Stangled to death...the State Forestry workers were cutting down trees from powerlines and left that on the ground! GRRRR! She was starting to integrate into the local female herd. She was the best success story untill then. So anyways. this baby buck fawn is my first "male". Since he is so in need of recovery, he isnt the type to try to keep wild. I plan on "banding" him when he gets better. Its sad, but it will have to be done :(. Unless i can find someone to take him when he is a bit older on a piece of land to be watched.and cared for to make sure he can be wild one day. So right now this baby stays on my couch, he does have a bit of missing hair on his legs and a small spot on his rump from staying on his preferred side. If he layes on his other side, he sorta gets wild and. he just kicks, etc...but sometimes with calmness and assurance he will lay upwards. I think it hurts him since his hair stands on end and he grinds his teeth on that side the most. So Im in need of some sort of "ideas" for slings, or fawn cradles..I seen them online for almost 200!!! Sigh...... I feel he has a chance if I can start better therapy sessions with him. Im only a small lady, and he is 20 pounds now and we all know how powerful they can be even if small and disabled.. Although I think that is on the small side considering he is a male and wasnt a twin. If anyone has something to help with, please let me know. Im trying to look on Amazon for things ( I only have credit card unfortunatly), This little booger slip outa stuff much more easily..almost cat nature. I have no acess to meds..just natural remedies I guess.This little ****oo trusts me, I gotta do what I can. I dont want him to downgrade in muscle tone more than he is now, only to take him out back ...I dont have vet access either. Our State no longer has wild life rehabs..Im sure you all can deduct and figure out which State. Its sad, life is life..we should all cherrish it no matter how small.If anyone has rehab ideas for me orsling type of donoations..please chime in. I dont like feeling alone in trying to help him walk one day on his own. I seen another fawn in my backyard..he already was missing half his spots...and much bigger. My little guy ..welp is little compared to the wild ones.
To make a sling if u take one of the small children's trampolines the individual size ones , take the trampoline part and cut where his legs should be sew you some padding for his shoulder and hock area so it doesn't rub raw and you can add straps however would work best for you.i really hope this helps.
I'm sorry for bing absent and for a late reply...the baby never got better. Took him somewhere where he would be looked over. Im not sure what happened, but I hope he was put to sleep peacefully. He was always vibrate and alert, and even playful. He'd bob his head up and down trying to play with us, although he couldnt get up. He was getting too big for me. And multi-butt washes a day on a growing fawn....he was getting so heavy and started to refuse to help support himself while I managed his potty breaks (pain) and growing laundry piles up to 4x large loads a day with around the clock feedings..He never pooped himself, only went when I had him scheduled, it was just sad to see him go. Gave him all I could. He was cherished.
I'm sorry for bing absent and for a late reply...the baby never got better. Took him somewhere where he would be looked over. Im not sure what happened, but I hope he was put to sleep peacefully. He was always vibrate and alert, and even playful. He'd bob his head up and down trying to play with us, although he couldnt get up. He was getting too big for me. And multi-butt washes a day on a growing fawn....he was getting so heavy and started to refuse to help support himself while I managed his potty breaks (pain) and growing laundry piles up to 4x large loads a day with around the clock feedings..He never pooped himself, only went when I had him scheduled, it was just sad to see him go. Gave him all I could. He was cherished.
I'm so sorry, you never recieved the help/ advice you needed.
Thank you for doing the best you could.
He knows he was loved

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