I don't believe any of those bucks will make it. If we get close on any, lets get a scoresheet and really find out if the buck makes it. I can't think of more than 1 or 2 and none over 205. I think the Texas breeders are probably ahead of us with this type of deer.
Its funny, people complain that typical genetics don't pay as well at the auctions but I've watched Robert Williams lots bring top money time and time again. And he loves the big clean typicals. But remember that his lines go back several generations with typical breeding. People pay better because they believe they will get typical consistant deer.
I really think whovever produces a big typical line will be rewarded IF they properly market that line.
With all that said, the one thing I HAVE to have in my deer is mass. Its personal but I just love mass! And my hunters love it. So I talk about a big frame but I also want some mass with it. Its the main reason I've stayed away from some deer. If you gave me the choice of the Hansen buck or the Jordon buck, I'd take the Jordon buck. It just has more mass! With me bone is cool! With others, it doesn't matter. To each his own on that one!
My perfect deer has at least 45 inches of mass, 30 plus beams, and a spread over 24 inside. Thats a score of about 129. Now take a 5X5 frame with 8 inch brows, 14 inch 2s and 3s and 10 inch 4s. What do you get?
A buck that scores 221 gross typical. Allow him to vary about 10 inches total from side to side (which is very little) and you have a buck close to 210 net.
I can sell that buck ALL DAY LONG! Now if he is an 8 point frame and scores 20 inches below that (take away the g4s) I can sell him all DAY and ALL NIGHT LONG!
Here is Lethal Weapons sire, Big Guy. Clean, big and around 200 gross. But probably 180-190 Net. My hunters love deer like him!