Golf Ball Size Lump In Between Lower Jaw Bones

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May 27, 2011
Linesville, PA
I'm looking for some advice from experienced farmers or DVM'S.  I've searched all the former posts and followed the advice that I felt fit my situation best.  I have a buck with a golf ball size lump directly under its jaw.  However, it doesn't appear to stem from the jaw bone.  It's located directly under the tongue, but on the underside of the jaw.  It's been there about 10 days and is not getting larger / smaller.


I sedated with BAM ( 1CC had him snoring and he is a large two year old) and administered 6 CC of Noromycin ( Oxytetracycline 300 mg/mL).  I choose not to lance it or attempt to drain it.  I could not see any irregularities inside the buck's mouth.   It's been 48 hrs and I haven't noticed any change as of yet.  It may begin to decrease in size but I'm looking for advice in case it does not.


I don't have draxxin but I could get it from my vet if I need it.  I do have some Pen G but I choose the Noromycin because previous posts stated it works well for Fuso.  I know some people just let it go but I do not want to risk anything with this particular buck.  Thank you in advance.


If the abcess is firm don't lance. If it's feels full of fluid most of the time drain it and squeeze out any puss. When a buck is down sedated that's your chance. Give him LongeRange and Draxxin SQ,Noromycin @ two sites both 3cc.SQ on the outside of rib cage*and banimine in the muscle. The wormer will also assist in repelling insects. Dose all by his weight. In your situation, I would have only darted him with 2cc of Draxxin and watched him carefully for 7 days. I would not have risk sedating him with the issue you described.

* the Noromycin if given in a large dose at a single site in the muscle can cause a couple problems

Input from a farmer

Good luck
One thing I always do is push a large needle like 16 ga into the pocket and pull back on the syringe to see what is in the pocket.  If it is puss I will usually cut a hole in it and drain it because puss will not be absorbed and will always have to break or be drained to get out of the body.  Many guys leave it and nature will take care of it because when the pressure is on the pocket the skin will die somewhere on the pocket and cause it's own hole to allow the puss to drain out.  If it's like blood in the pocket it will usually be absorbed back into the body.  The drugs mentioned will work to reduce the absess.
As Jack said, IF you have them out sick with a needle , clean the site with alcohol or betadine before sticking anything in them. You do not want to crate a problem you don't have by introducing infection. I worry about knocking out this time of year because of heat. Always try to do in the eve. I probably would have darted with draxxin ave waited a few days myself.
If you feel it is necessary to sedate the buck and you end up lancing an abscess, make your cut at the lowest point nearest the ground after squeezing out what you can this will allow Mother Nature with the help of gravity to finish the job. On our farm I try hard not to sedate an animal this time of year. I also suggested the LongRange to you because there is a chance what you have described could be parasite related. I would like to see a close up photo.

Jack's and Jerri Lee's advice is very good!
Thanks for the replies so far. I don't plan on sedating him again unless absolutely necessary. I darted him early in the morning while it was cool, administered medication, rubbed with permithrin, and reversed. He was out for less then five minutes. The lump was very hard. If it doesn't get better, I'll just dart with draxxin. I also just finished the second round of worming with safeguard.

I recommended the shotgun treatment because of the risk involved in sedating your buck. I would have tried to have made the most of the opportunity if he was down. The Noromycin will likely not do the job on a bad fuso infection with one dose. The Draxxin will continue to work on the infection well after the Noromycin. The banimine will help reduce inflammation associated with the abcess and aid in his recovery from the sedation. The wormer will help repel ticks,flies, and deal with internal and external parasites that are common this time of year. A bottle fed deer or a deer that can be captured repeatedly doesn't always necessitate using this sort of shotgun treatment for a fuso-infection. Two or three doses of Noromycin may be needed and handling animals multiple times this time of year can cause problems. Unless the infection is caught at a very early stage one shot might not work. Once he was down I would have given him the shotgun treatment in your situation this time of year. Different situations require some common sense. A single shotgun type treatment is also better on a buck growing antlers than multiple shots because of the stress that is associated with darting or sedating multiple times will slow and stunt their antler growth. In a bottle fed fawn a different treatment would be recommended.

You did a good job!I hope the Noromycin does the job by itself with a single dose. Let us know.
Thanks. He's not bottle fed but he eats out of my hand everyday so hopefully the stress was minimal. I spoke with my vet today and I can get draxxin if needed. He stated it's more for respiratory illness but I know it's widely used on deer. I don't know if I should take the wait and see approach or get the draxxin. I can shoot 2 CC darts. I could also continue to give the Oxytetracycline in 2 CC doses.
I agree, Noromycin burns that is one of the reasons for telling him to give it on the outside the rib cage instead of in or over a muscle. Don't dart him in the rib cage! SQ only.


I would wait and watch it closely. If you got to it early, one dose of Noromycin you gave will do the job. If the abcess gets any larger. Post on here.


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That doesn't look like a fuso abscess to me. In an area with that soft of tissue it would be more rounded like a tennis ball. In my opinion there would have been some swelling in one side of the bottom of the jaw on one side or the other because it is in that close proximity if it were fuso related. The abscesses can occur any where on the neck. This I don't think is one. I would have darted him with 2 cc of Draxxin and that is it. The Noromycin will heal it if he sustained a bite or was poked by a fence wire etc. I think the one dose of Noromycin you gave should clear that right up!
Thanks Bell. I feel a little better. I need to make sure he's healthy because he's going to be big. He grows all the way to September. Ill posts some pics when he's farther along. He was about 200 as a yearling. Thanks again for all the advice from everyone.
Just a little update.  The lump is still there and looks pretty much the same.  It is becoming more red on the bottom side like it might be coming to a head.  I think this is a good sign and may mean it's going to pop and drain on its own.  He's still eating normal and growing well.  Let me know if it's just wishful thinking.

Just a little update.  The lump is still there and looks pretty much the same.  It is becoming more red on the bottom side like it might be coming to a head.  I think this is a good sign and may mean it's going to pop and drain on its own.  He's still eating normal and growing well.  Let me know if it's just wishful thinking.

I would say you are correct! I would add extra Auremyicin to his feed for a week or so.


Best of luck
I wouldn't intervene unless it gets bigger or he shows you it is compromising his immune system.
Thanks. I did put some aeromycin in his feed three days

ago. I'll continue to give an update until it's gone!

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