Another Successful USAHA Conference for Cervid Industry

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Nov 13, 2012
Garnett, Kansas
These updates provided by the American Cervid Alliance.


18pxVictory for Cervid Industry in USAHA Cmte

October 21, 2014

KANSAS CITY- Cervid leaders, attending the  United States Animal Health Association conference, were very active Monday. Industry representatives presented a resolution in the brucellosis committee and attended numerous committee meetings including the first meeting of the new Farmed Cervid Subcommittee.

The resolution approved in the brucellosis committee urges state regulatory officials to extend the number of days to accept a negative brucellosis test from 30 days to 45 days for farmed cervidae when the herd of origin is located outside of the Greater Yellowstone Area . Currently, when shipping interstate, a negative Brucella abortus blood test must be performed which will then allow a thirty day window to transport the animal. Should a delay occur beyond the 30 days the animal must be retested. Travis Lowe, who presented the resolution on behalf of the North American Elk Breeders Association, told the committee this was not a radical change but would provide their members additional flexibility and save producers additional costs.  The final approval vote for the Brucellosis resolution will take place on Wednesday, October 22.

The new Farmed Cervid Subcommittee met on Monday afternoon.  Dr. Haley of Kansas State University presented his live test research findings on Chronic Wasting Disease depopulation samples from Iowa and Pennsylvania. Sub-committee co-chairman, Charly Seale, led a discussion of how the industry can work with wildlife and health officials to find common ground.  Sections of the CWD Program Standards were examined and discussed.  It was noted by USDA/APHIS the standards document can be reviewed annually in this sub-committee. Eric Mohlman, Shawn Schafer and Warren Bluntzer joined Seale on the sub-committee as cervid industry representatives.
18pxResolution Recommends Acquiring More CWD Epidemiological Investigations October 22, 2014

KANSAS CITY- A resolution has been approved in the United States Animal Health Association's Captive Wildlife & Alternative Livestock Committee that would bring forward more information regarding CWD positive animals in both free ranging and farmed cervids.

As a recommendation from the Farmed Cervid Subcommittee meeting,  a resolution was presented to request that USDA work with state regulatory officials to make information of epidemiological investigations for both farmed and free-ranging cwd positive cervids available to all stakeholders. Data from these animals will improve risk assessment and potentially identify factors for detecting the disease. There was no opposition during the vote.

This resolution awaits final approval by the full membership of USAHA today, October 22. This resolution marks a very productive start for the new Farmed Cervid Subcommittee.

The American Cervid Alliance would like to thank everyone involved in both these committees.
18pxAnother Successful USAHA Conference for Cervid Industry

October 22, 2014

KANSAS CITY-  After five days of committee and board meetings at the United States Animal Health Association conference (USAHA), industry leaders truly believe it was a success for the cervid industry. This conference is an opportunity to build a relationship with state and national health officials as well as those representing the wildlife community.

This conference marked the first meeting of the Farmed Cervid Subcommittee. The adoption of two important resolutions for the industry were also achieved. The brucellosis resolution, which urges state regulatory officials to extend the number of days to accept a negative brucellosis test from 30 days to 45 days, was approved in the Brucellosis committee and passed unanimously in the closing membership meeting. The American Cervid Alliance encourages state and national elk and deer associations to start conversations with state regulatory offices to implement this change.

The second resolution approved urges USDA/APHIS to work with state regulatory officials to make information of epidemiological investigations, for both farmed and free-ranging cwd positive cervids,  available to all stakeholders. Data from these investigations will improve risk assessment and potentially identify factors for detecting CWD. Both resolutions were adopted unanimously by the USAHA membership.

The attendance at this conference by the cervid industry is essential in building strong relationships with state and federal health officials as well as wildlife representatives. This is one of the most important events for the industry.  The American Cervid Alliance strongly encourages its member associations to select a representative to join USAHA and attend next year's conference.  All the industry leaders that attend this conference know first hand how important this convention is to the our industry. Next year's conference will be held in late October in Providence, Rhode Island.

Industry representatives attending this year's meeting were Warren Bluntzer, Rhonda Brakke, Travis Lowe, Eric Mohlman, Gary Olson, Bill Pittenger, Shawn Schafer, Charly Seale, Laurie Seale, Daryl Simon, Skip West, Doug Wagner, Kyle Wilson and Dickie Winters. The ACA appreciates the time, effort, and input of everyone involved. 

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