crocket said:
so do you think they/your deer/bucks are done ruting ? safe to go in to the buck pens ???? im in nj , have seen 6 deer killed in the wild that have shed in the last mouth. dont fig why they are sheding in late jan, we have had a mild winter here
crocket - Here in NW Illinois we are experiencing the same thing, ie the bucks losing their antlers early.
Typically here in Illinois, the extra early ones will lose them in late January.
The extra late ones will lose them mid April.
The bulk of them lose them from mid February to mid March.
I would wager that 90% or more have lost them already(if not all), and most have been shed for some time now. I have never seen anything like this before, and we, like you, have had a mild winter so far.
My only guess is that because of the extreme dry conditions we experienced this spring, summer, and fall, that their nutrition levels never attained the normal build-up and subsequently lost their antlers early do to their nutritional deficiencies. It's the only thing to me that makes sense.
I mean, it was dryer around here than I've ever seen it in my life, and I'm 58.
Ponds that never have been dry, dried up. Small creeks dried up so thoroughly that cattle couldn't be put in the pastures because of it.
Was it dry by you crockett??