We have tranquilized and moved several hundred whitetail maybe even a thousand in the last 30 plus years with rompum and in recent years Telazol mix. Finally all the BAM hype got us . I ordered. a kit last week to move some bucks out of northern MN to our place. Antlers are off , outside temp around mid 20s, 3-5 year old bucks that are relatively calm . Five darts later into the hams of 4 different bucks , normal amount of visible bleeding from the dart , 2cc pneu darts same as we always use. Absolutely no reaction from any of the bucks. Is there such a thing as a bad batch of BAM. Anyone want a deal on unopened reverser for BAM? We waited a few hours and did 2cc Xylazine Telazol darts into the bucks we were hauling and the trailer was loaded. I am not trying to start the battle that is already documented on this forum of BAM vs? ..just stating this expensive experience and wondering if anyone has ever had a bad batch? I will be calling Zoopharm on Monday. I wonder if they sent us the placebo ?