Antler Raiser, sorry about the loss of your pet deer. I would recommend in the future to cut off your breeder bucks antlers. It is very apt to happen again, especially with that same buck. Some bucks may be ok not to cut off, but I believe that most need to be cut off, even the year olds that one would think might not be 'man' enough to get the attitude. I have never left a breeding bucks antlers on, and have ALWAYS seen evidence to make me glad I took them off. Bottle feeding for a pet: I would recommend that you pull the fawn at 6 to no more than 12 hours old, and do more with your fawn than just bottle feed. It takes lots of love/attention to get one to be dog tame. I have many bottle feds that I can't pet. The tamest ones I have are the ones we raised in the house, not saying you should/need to do that extreme, but they do need alot of attention. If you are looking for tameness, then this is certainly a case where you only get out of it what you put into it. Good Luck