In the pen that I moved her to lived a buck named Nite Hawk, he was laying in the back corner about sixty yards away from the gate not kowing that he was about to be suduced by a buetiful young doe. She took her time slowly moving her way closer to him trying to entice him. He watched her closely wondering if a fine doe like her could ever find interest in a young unknown buck like him. When she knew that she had his eyes glued to her every move she turned away trying not to reveal that she was needing him so badly. When she turned away she gazed back over her shoulder with love in her eyes at Nite Hawk.This was the signal that he was waiting for and rose from his bed. She didnt move an inch as he quickly went to her. He took in her womanly aroma and lavished her with his tongue, He stroked her sides with the side of his face. Then he rose up Ok this was kind of fun to start out with but now its starting to become to much I think you all can figure out how it finished.
So the question is how can a doe be in standing heat 28 hrs after pulling CDR's?