commercial feed

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Jan 28, 2011
Wingo, KY
For those who feed a commercially available feed, which company/mix do you use? Thanks for your reply!
I use ADM, they always mix it fresh, will change nutrient levels for me, deliver it AND unload it in my barn. Top notch service, the last ton I got in bags was about $550.

Call Tom Getts 260-242-1060 and he'll find a rep ner you. He's great to work with!
I feed ADM Rack Plus and picked it up at a local feed store here in Central Missouri. I pay $510.00 a ton. I buy it by the 50 pound bag.
I'm paying $14 a bag for purina all the way up here in central SD, It might be a little cheaper if I wasn't the only one here raising deer and ordering it. I used to feed ADM at $11.50 a bag last year but I had to pick it up at an ADM dealer and the closest one was 170 miles away. They seem to do great on the Purina and they don't have loose $hit like they did while feeding the ADM.
When I started feeding ADM, about a year ago, I paided $11.25 per 50 pound bag. I noticed over the last summer that my does kept weight on a lot better during the nursing months. I fed a grain mix before that and when grain prices went up, I switched as I could buy the ADM feeds as cheap as I could mix the other. Of course they have went up now as well, but I found that my deer do look better after feeding the ADM feeds for the last year. No problems with loose stools.
We have used Purina Antlermax 20 for about 9 years now. We recently attended a seminar held at the Purina research facility in Missouri. Believe me, if you had been there and saw all the research they do and what goes into their feeds you would switch to Purina immediately. It was amazing - they have been doing this for a long time. Many years ago when prices went up we switched to another feed for a year and went back to Purina. We definitely saw a drop in antler production among other things. If you want a consistently excellent feed, Purina is the one. Others may have similar labels, but that really doesn't tell you much. They demonstrated that at the seminar.
I use Purina breeder elite 300 Looks to be a good feed. they used to come in a paper bag and I had to purchase only a certain amount so it wouldnt dry up but about three months ago they swith to more of a plastic type bag and I find that it stays fresh a lot longer. So in my opinion they are still trying to upgrade and doing research.
That is correct - they never stop trying to make improvements and offer more products. The other thing we like is the staff behind the product. We can call our local rep any time and he will be out here to offer advice. If you have an issue they are there to back up their product.
Wild Rivers, you said you use Purina Anlter Max 20. Do you know whats the differance between that and Breeder elite 300? I called the rep with Purina and he recommended the Breeder Elite 300 to me, Just wondering why you use Antler max 20.
We are checking into that. The Purina Antler Max 20 has been around for a longer period of time and it what we started using. We weren't aware of the Breeder Elite untili recently as it is a newer product. Since we will be in the Purina booth at NADeFA we will be talking with them about that.

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