Dream Ranch and our partners would like to announce that we had Dream Rolex officially scored at NADeFA this past weekend and he scored 572 1/8". He won the award for highest scoring 3 year old buck for 2012. Also, his 8 by 8 mainframe rack scored 271, which was the highest mainframe score for any buck scored at NADeFA! Dream Rolex was able to grow out completely and shed his velvet last year and we can't wait to see how big he can get this year!
Looking back at guesses on his score in our scoring contest in the fall, Larry Armstrong of Armstrong Whitetails is the winner of a free straw of Dream Rolex with a guess of 571 4/8". This straw can either be sexed semen or conventional.
If anyone has any interest in buying semen out of Dream Rolex or any other Dream Ranch bucks, feel free to contact Will or myself at 570-856-2175. Thank you
Jason Hendershot
Dream Ranch North Manager
Looking back at guesses on his score in our scoring contest in the fall, Larry Armstrong of Armstrong Whitetails is the winner of a free straw of Dream Rolex with a guess of 571 4/8". This straw can either be sexed semen or conventional.
If anyone has any interest in buying semen out of Dream Rolex or any other Dream Ranch bucks, feel free to contact Will or myself at 570-856-2175. Thank you
Jason Hendershot
Dream Ranch North Manager