Studying the scoresheet, here is the mainframe scored as a 6x6
Right Left
Main Beams 30-4 31-4
T-1 9-4 11-6
T-2 15-5 17-3
T-3 13-3 13-0
T-4 7-2 10-6
T-5 9-6 7-4
C-1 8-0 8-3
C-2 7-4 6-6
C-3 9-0 8-1
C-4 9-0 8-1
Totals 119-4 123-0
Add in Spread of 32-0/8
Total 6x6 Gross Frame 274-4/8
His 5X5 frame would be 257-2/8
He has 124-6/8 extra inches on right, ans 128-3/8 extra inches on left.
Interesting is the fact that he is wider, has a little shorter tines, and more junk (gross score) but has the same Gross 6x6 score as last year!