We have been raising both whitetails and elk for the past 5 years. We have separate breeding areas for each, but then release both into the main enclosure to be hunted. Our elk breed pen is about 15 acres, and our whitetail breed pen is similar in size. These two pens share a common side and we have no problems between the two. The main enclosure is over 450 acres and we have a resident whitetail herd of between 30 and 50. We introduce the elk to be harvested in the summer and they are gone by the end of October. The two species do well together and they feed in the same fields at the same time. During the elk rut (Sept.) the deer tend to keep a bit more distance. The problem we found was that the elk consume so much more, and the habitat takes a beating. We had 15 elk in the 450 acres last summer and they worked over all the young apple trees, and sought out every sumac bush on the property. We had 10 acres of soybean planted as well, and they demolished them to the ground by mid-July. Elk unlike deer will feed all day long out in the fields and don't have that spookiness that deer do. In the future we will reduce the number of elk to be put out into the main enclosure, or delay putting them out till late August.