Emergency regulatory alert

Deer Farmer Forum

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Apr 10, 2009
Montoursville, PA

Ref: 100% Mandatory CWD Testing

for ALL Operations: Production and Hunting

All PDFA Members

Yesterday, The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture laid out to PDFA leadership the new General Quarantine Order; Chronic Wasting Disease Program Requirements which will DICTATE to EVERY SINGLE DEER FARMER in Pennsylvania what guidelines we MUST follow to stay in business. PDFA leadership feels the new guidelines are as serious a threat to our industry’s continued existence as we have ever faced in our state. The primary issue of concern is that EVERY PENNSYLVANIAN that posses deer will be required to be in a MANDATORY CWD program which requires 100% of death loses over 12 months of age to be CWD tested. Yes, that includes ALL HUNTING OPERATIONS. If you wish to continue deer farming in Pennsylvania we are pleading that you pick up the phone and make two phone calls. (CALL TODAY or TOMORROW !!) We have 10 days, please do not hesitate to call!

Your Pennsylvania State Senator

For a listing of Pennsylvania State Senators go to www.legis.state.pa.us

Click on “county” and it will take you to interactive map of PA where you can click on your county and the site will bring up your senator with contact information.

The Governor’s office of the State of Pennsylvania


When you call plead with them to:

1) Call the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) and DEMAND that they DO NOT publish the New General Quarantine Order in the Bulletin Publication.

2) Demand that the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) include the deer industry in the development of a new General Quarantine Order. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture did not ask for deer industry input when developing this new General Quarantine Order. As the regulated party the deer industry’s input should be both mandatory and a matter of professional courtesy.

3) Share with them that these new requirements will put many small business owners out of business. Potentially causing many owners to lose their capital investments, including their ability to use their land assets to produce income. If producers cannot use their land assets to produce income, how can they pay the mortgages? Do we all lose our farms? These new requirements will also have a chilling effect on new business investment. i.e. chasing away new interest in the industry.

4) Ask your Senator and the Governor’s office; If they are in support of destroying existing rural sector JOBS and are they in support of attacking Pennsylvania’s family farms? If they do not support these agendas then ask them to make a difference and call the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) and demand the items listed above.

Demanding that All Pennsylvania harvest facilities (Hunting Ranches) to test 100% of all deaths over 12 months of age when all Pennsylvania deer production facilities (deer farms) will be required to test 100% of farm mortalities over 12 months of age is both financially over burdensome and excessive/poor governance . Other states such as Oklahoma and Missouri test 100% of their deer farm mortalities that are 12 months of age and older but test 0% of all mortalities and/or harvested animals in their hunting ranches. Ohio tests 30% of their death loses in their hunting facilities, Wisconsin currently tests 50% on hunting operations and is requesting that to be reduced to 25%.


Pennsylvania hunting operations which started with all certified animals (100% tested) and have only ever purchased certified animals (100% tested) are required to test 0% of their harvested/mortality animals. Pennsylvania hunting operations which have purchased animals from both certified (100%) and monitored (a % tested) programs are required to test 10% up to 30 animals of their harvested/mortality animals.

PDFA Leadership
Dear PDFA,

I have read this alert and am a life member of the PA Deer Farmer's Association, and not one of the elite deerfarmers in PA. Now that the Dept of Agriculture is starting to knock on the big boys doors, you expect every deer farmer in the state to now stand up and fight for something that has been left go on and on with the department of agriculture. It's about time you realize that they are going to do what they want to do because the PA Deerfarmers Association has done nothing but cater to them to protect the elite. If the PA deerfarmer's association would NOT have catered to the Department of Agriculture, maybe we wouldn't be in the predicament we are in now. One fact in question, is on page 16 of the PA Deerfarmer's fall magazine, supports the raising of CLO license so that it can give the department of agriculture more fuel to put the PA deerfarmer out of business. If you raise deer, yes you should pay a fee, but I am not in favor of them raising the CLO license that is currently $150 to, what I have heard from my inspector, to $200. My name is Mick Goodman and if anyone would like to pick up the phone and discuss this with myself and some others that are not in the handful of the elite, I will be more than glad to answer the phone and discuss this issue and also give you some other disgusted members' numbers. It's a little late now to try to change all of this; they are on the road to eliminating the PA deerfarmer.


I hear ya Mick.......you are Spot on......I hate to say it but I am glad to be out of the deer business....only because of all the crap we are forced to endure!! I have no clue how hunting operations are supposed to test 100% of their mortalities.....I mean come on...what are they supposed to do sleep with their deer? This is rediculous!! It is out of control!!....PHONE CALLS ARE A JOKE! PDFA........ITS TIME FOR A LAWSUIT!
The effects of the new agenda to close boarders will hurt people like me as I will not be able to sell my animals as I can only sell out of State. Fact is it will close me down and others like me. We can't have closed boarders plain and simple. In my State they have stopped the harvesting of our animals behind eight foot fences. What if they stop the harvesting of these closed boarders States. Guess what you will be out of business also. These boarder closings will hurt the industry, in fact it will destroy the industry in the future if our industry can't stop this CWD agenda used to close State boarders. This industry has to stop the panic produced by the use of misinformed people about the effects of CWD on the wild herds.
In MN we are required to test 100% of all animals over 12 Mo. of age. Tag and inventory all deer annually. That is why we don't have much of a hunting industry in MN. It is impossible to find and tag all the fawns in a preserve. The guys that are trying to run them are bucks only.

The new farm bill , if gets passed, addresses restriction of interstate commerce. If it gets passed the sstates that have closed borders could be held to the fire if challenged, especially with the white paper that came out. Are there any other species out there that states have been closed to their entry? I have read that they have done this with fish and certain diseases they get. cattle could move as long as they came from accredited tb herds back in the day.
Our legislators put the DNR in charge of all birds, fish and animals allowed in the State, which is like putting the fox in the hen house. Having a pet store these people have lied about the animals we could have using disease, habitat destruction etc. for reasons not to allow them in the State. Never mind all these animals will die in Montana as the temps in winter will freeze them to death.. As far as our type of animals we have to apply to get a new species and their DNR board will take six months to either approve or deny you from raising that animal.

We don't have a closed border they just will not let the deer or elk be hunted or killed behind a eight foot fence which has just killed the Montana industry.


Check your in box on here for Folligon information.
In Wisconsin we are required to test 50% of the deer that die on a hunting preserve. We are to test 100% of deer on a breeding farm that die, but they will allow you a little wiggle room on that. So there are different rules for preserves vs. breeding farms. Once a deer is moved to a preserve though the only way it can leave is dead.
Indiana has to test 100%. As far as movement, some States have restricted movement of "Fish", the guys raising fish have fought for years to get open borders for their live fish market, I thought it was interesting to hear them talking about how New York just opened their borders to movement of Fish for the live market. I cant imagine there will be any movement of cervids from State to State within a couple years.

Governor’s Office Email: governor@pa.gov

PDFA Email: kpittenger1@verizon.net

A number of you have shared your difficulties in getting a hold of someone at the governor’s office. Please share your concerns on this emergency regulatory issue with the governor’s staff by using the email listed above and copy PDFA (our email listed above). This will give PDFA the ability to show our industry’s response and hold our elected folks accountable. Please be professional but let them know how negatively this potential change could affect you, your family, your business, your employees, your family farm, etc… Remember, we are all constituents and our voice matters.
Sent an email today as well, come on people, this is crazy, let your voices be heard or don't say anything when they are made to be silent.

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