stevefriend - There was a time when I lost no fawns at all due to sickness. When I did lose one, which I did on occassion, it was due to a colllision between two of them.
And then I began to lose some, then I began to lose more. My losses before I got them turned around were 30 and 40%!
This is what I did to get things turned around - I decided we would pull all the buck fawns and bottle feed them because we rarely lost a fawn that we bottle fed, and we didn't know what was killing our fawns, but leaving them in the doe pens on the moms didn't seem to be gettin it. We left all 22 doe fawns on their moms, and DID NOT LOSE ONE doe fawn that year, and the following is the regiment of meds I gave each of them when they were 2 to 4 days old:
3cc C&D Antitoxin given subcu.
2cc Alpha 7 given subcu.
3ccBovine Ecolizer+c given orally
3cc Probiotic paste(orally of course)
.1cc Ivomec Plus given subcu.
.1cc Draxxin given subcu.
Again.....after some years of suffering fawn losses, of which the 2 prior years of fawn loss had to be considered severe, then upon using the above meds, we never lost a single one of the 22 doe fawns we left on the moms. It made us wish we would have left the buck fawns on the moms too, but we didn't know at that time that this regiment of meds we were giving to these fawns was going to be this effective for our situation.
I don't know your situation stevefriend, but unless somebody else has a better idea, or something to add, I would follow the above procedure of meds for your fawns.
Best of luck to you!