I had two fawns a couple years back that decided to tour another pen one night, and I couldn't find them. I figured they were on the farm, and fawns were all on pellets by then, anyway, even though they had not been weaned yet. When I did find them a week later, they looked great, so I left them where they were and weaned a couple weeks later. They continued to look just fine until about a month after they were weaned, and they went down hill then. After doing some research I learned that there is passive immunity even after the colostrum stage, which tells me that their gut was still at least semi-permeable to the larger immunity molecules; therefore, I think colostrum is not only helpful to you at this point, but also necessary. Something else you should try is about 1/3 teaspoon of ground oregano in a bottle of milk; it will help several different scour bugs.