I have a doe fawn that is a little more than 3 months old. She has a hard lump under her jaw. It's been there for a few weeks. It was about the size of a big pea when I noticed it but is is getting bigger now. It is hard and seems to be under the skin. I can't get inside her mouth but I don't think it is a tooth or anything in her gums. It's down under the back of her jaw like right on the hinge of the jaw bone below her ear. My Vet says keep an eye on it but it seems like she is holding her jaw a little crooked now. She is eating and drinking normally and it doesn't seem to bother her other than holding her jaw a little funny and she doesn't like when you squeeze and feel around it. I have another that had gotten a lump on the side of her face, like a small chew of tobacco, but it would come and go. Difference is this one is making this fawns jaw look a little crooked. Is there anything I should look out for or any advice as what to do before it turns into a big problem? (Hoping it's not one already!) Maybe I'm just paranoid but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!!