fawns with pussy eyes

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Nov 21, 2014
St. Mary's Pa
Hey all, I have two fawns (5 days old) with pussy eyes.  the one is was stuck shut when I got home today.  what can I give them? 
Contact your local Vet ask for a tube of neomyicyn eye ointment has worked perfect for my fawn eye infections over the years good luck M Kwitowski
TSC usually has Terramycin eye ointment available, around $15 for the little tube which goes a long way. They also have NFZ Puffer powder treats eye and earinfections. The cheap, easily available route is regular (no painrelief) OTC triple antibiotic crème. Yes the one for humans. Does not burn, clears stuff up in a day, have used it myself already. Would probably give antibiotics too.
If you use a triple antibiotic ointment make sure it doesn't contain cortisone!
thanks everyone....  eyes are all cleared up with three days of .5cc antiboitcs.  you guys are  a huge help!!!
if you by chance injected or ingested antibiotics, you should give probiotics to get the good bacteria back in
Found out something new a few days ago.  Had a fawn with an infected navel and pussy eyes.  Had been putting eye antibiotic in it's eyes and wasn't getting very far with that.   Well we gave Nuflor for the navel and the very next day the eyes were totally clean and the navel was also clean.   Had a few that were starting the same thing with the eyes and gave them a shot of Nuflor yesterday and today their eyes were also clean.  My new go to drug for eye problems is Nuflor. These fawns were born in June and I gave them 4 tenths each.

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