too protected?

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Jul 10, 2014
Tyrone, PA
(20,24,35); Looking for thoughts and opinions on (20,24,35);  being password protected and requiring registration to gain access. Do you think it's overkill or a necessity to protect our industry?


(20,24,35); I feel like it's inconvenient to register and then login each time but I'm hoping preserves respect that part of it. What I don't want is for people to get to the Registration/Login screen and bail. Thoughts?
I'm bailin...just sayin... too much crap for me. No explanation of what it is..who it;s for or the reason it exists




Rick is a business I created will the purpose of connecting preserves with farms to sell stocker bucks. There's other listing for does, fawns, embryos, etc... but the sole purpose is to help everyone move their bucks. For the past year I've been talking to preserves and farmers to develop the structure of the site so it not only helps everyone but protects all of us as well.

Sorry I didn't provide more information Mr. Collum.
I myself think its a good thing and will be a great help for industry. My only beef would be not having prices listed. I think here in the North that is the biggest problem between farms and hunt ranches. I dont think it should be such a secret and if prices were givin maybe we could get some solid prices on animals worth. Not hear say a Ny ranch saying..Oh prices are down in Pa.  Not a major beef but i think it would help rid the..Secret!   Look at Texas and Alabama. They have set listed prices and its used across their industry.
Thanks for commenting Mike! This was one of the areas of the website I was torn about for a long time. The reason I chose to exclude pricing on stocker bucks only is because I didn't want prices to go down. From the people I talked to, the worry is that there would be so many people undercutting the next person so they can get their bucks sold. The north is a flooded market so there will be people doing everything they can to sell their bucks. Kinda like putting a gas station next to a gas station. You make an interesting point though. I'm curious to see if anyone else feels that way about having pricing on stocker bucks?

I assure you I'm trying design it so it helps everyone. That's why I'm asking for suggestions

Thanks for commenting Mike! This was one of the areas of the website I was torn about for a long time. The reason I chose to exclude pricing on stocker bucks only is because I didn't want prices to go down. From the people I talked to, the worry is that there would be so many people undercutting the next person so they can get their bucks sold. The north is a flooded market so there will be people doing everything they can to sell their bucks. Kinda like putting a gas station next to a gas station. You make an interesting point though. I'm curious to see if anyone else feels that way about having pricing on stocker bucks?

I assure you I'm trying design it so it helps everyone. That's why I'm asking for suggestions

Agreed and maybe if truths were shown and some were called out per say folks would see what their bucks are really worth or not and sell accordingly. If a guy sells his 140 inch bucks for say $900 and then see's that John across the state is getting $1600 for his there may not be so much low balling going on.  

The guys selling so cheap are probably the untested farms that are afraid they would not be able to sell because they cant leave the state but they also can only give them away for so long and they will finally give up or start selling them for what their worth.


I think the more people see the better and you have a great thing going there to make that happen. I had a guy from Pa call me looking for big cleaner bucks and when asked for a price list i got the...Im waiting for the first auction to find out what i am paying. Seems like its that way every year.  I guess we need somebody with alot of money go into the first sale and buy bucks at crazy big prices and that i guess would make every stocker buck worth more and then we all could give that guy a little of his cash back for the over priced bucks he bought. lol  I mean we all would be ahead then right. 


I think that will be a great site to help bring people together but ya need truths and you may need to have a north and south section because true prices will be amazingly different for the same animal...  
I actually do not believe their are more stockers than hunters. If there were then farms would be putting bucks in the freezer. But I have not heard of anyone doing that. Instead they sell them so cheap "just to pay the feed bill" and the preserves are more than happy to take them and make more profit. No I do not think preserves are making a killing per se. But there is a lot of games being played by the preserves. This crap of wanting to trade semen for bucks or under scoring them or saying they will pay pennies on the dollar is ridiculous. Both the preserves and the growers (farms) need each other. It is time we develop better relationships. In the old days I would have my bucks scored on the hoof by my cousin who could score deer within a couple of inches. I would then tell my preserve buyer what I had for look and score. I would then load the deer and deliver it to him and he would pay me and watch the buck run off the trailer. He was happy with every deer I delivered and I was happy with the pay. We worked very well together because we had a trusting and honest relationship. I sure miss those day. We both made money and had a great time. He since has stopped doing hunts so I don't have that any longer. I miss the old days!

I haven't created a login so I can't judge the page but the idea is well enough in my opinion.  The two things I hate about whitetail exchange is the frequency of the auctions devastates semen market in my opinion and there is no filter from the public.  Having to register and even prove you are a preserve or farm owner would make me feel a lot better about conducting business online. 

As far as prices my 2 cents is there's a lot of factors I can see from the forethought of one day having to buy stockers myself...How many deer one is buying, taking the bad with the good, how much hunts are being sold for, what if something goes wrong and the animal dies, etc.  The only 200" buck I've ever harvested was a management buck that I know the preserve lost money on because no one wanted to pay for his score with his narrow frame.  If you knew every deer was going to survive and be harvested then that is one thing, but there will always be deer lost from stress, sickness and fighting regardless and thus you cannot expect prices to be close to the cost of hunts.  If you only have a few high dollar hunts a year a couple dead big bucks could negate all your profits.  Personally I would see pricing depending on looks not score alone.  From a financial standpoint I see no purpose or profit in buying deer under 160 or a 260 with 100" brows.  In theory the most profitable all around would be mid 200" fairly clean deer.  I am breeding 75% of mine away from that simply because I won't be able to afford to buy monsters and risk loosing them when I start.


Otherwise I agree with Roger.  Waiting on auctions to set prices well... there is the option of not doing business with people like this.  I've paid too much for deer because I wanted their breeding bad enough and gotten others at a steal just because of buying multiple.  I don't haggle, if the price is close to what I'm willing I'll make an offer, and if it is fair I won't ask to pay less.  I'm not big on trading either... Semen for semen ok but trading for live animals defeats the purpose, either it cost them nothing or you run the risk of no guarantee bc it is second or third hand semen. 
Thank you everyone for the feedback so far! You make some very good points and I would like to hear more opinions on the following:

- Should you be able to put pricing on stocker bucks? Will it hurt the industry's prices?

- Should the website remain a private community & requiring registration before you're granted access to login?


The site has been receiving a lot of positive attention so far. It's received 524 views since I announced it on facebook Friday. Very cool... 


DON'T FORGET, the hunting preserves/ranches will receive instant access login information sent to their emails on Wednesday! This saves them the hassle of registering so they can dive right into a website full of stockers to buy! If you want your bucks seen, get them listed soon. Below the countdown clock on the home screen(after you login), there's a link that will show you all the preserves that will receive that access email. If you don't see a preserve on there you would like to receive access, please email me at [email protected]


Thanks again & God bless

Thank you everyone for the feedback so far! You make some very good points and I would like to hear more opinions on the following:

- Should you be able to put pricing on stocker bucks? Will it hurt the industry's prices?

- Should the website remain a private community & requiring registration before you're granted access to login?


The site has been receiving a lot of positive attention so far. It's received 524 views since I announced it on facebook Friday. Very cool... 


DON'T FORGET, the hunting preserves/ranches will receive instant access login information sent to their emails on Wednesday! This saves them the hassle of registering so they can dive right into a website full of stockers to buy! If you want your bucks seen, get them listed soon. Below the countdown clock on the home screen(after you login), there's a link that will show you all the preserves that will receive that access email. If you don't see a preserve on there you would like to receive access, please email me at [email protected]


Thanks again & God bless

I believe there should be at least a guide line for prices...Such as 150in from 1800-2200 depending on look and such and i say YES to the registering and trying to keep the unwanted out!!  I think you will have a hit here because the ranch owners will have to take a look at the very least. Human nature wont let them pass on by without a look even if they buy their shooters elsewhere every year.  Great Job...Will be listed soon!
Now that i know what it is  ;) i would say absolutely keep it private and make everyone register


Yes we should be able to put prices


Now i'll go register


Great idea. Was just talking to a couple farmers about building a site just like this. I'll be signing up this week with deer for sale. Prices are a must per four seasons response.
I do have a recommendation Mr Glenny.


Under the "score" tab how about a space for "Management" bucks


Lord knows i have a few of those to get rid of as i'm sure everyone does


Just a thought
I would have a show all for the bucks available as well as the typical non-typical options

- Pricing has now been added as optional! If you've already listed bucks and want pricing, email me your buck's prices [email protected]

- Pricing Guide has been added. You can find it when submitting listings

- Instead of 15 most recent listings on the home screen, it's been changed to 25. Posting every buck on "might" work now but will freeze most computers later when there's hundreds of bucks. The 'Typical' & 'Nontypical' options on the home screen cover all the bucks listed anyways.

- 'Management Bucks' has been added! Anything that is sub 160"s falls into this category. ONLY $10 to post a management buck!!!



I want to keep making this website better for everyone so please continue to give me feedback and we'll build something perfect for all of us  :)
REMINDER: I will be sending instant access emails to the hunting preserves/ranches tomorrow. If you want your bucks noticed, there's still time to post your bucks!

Hunting preserves will start being invited at 1pm. Post your stocker bucks by noon to be some of the first seen

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