I haven't created a login so I can't judge the page but the idea is well enough in my opinion. The two things I hate about whitetail exchange is the frequency of the auctions devastates semen market in my opinion and there is no filter from the public. Having to register and even prove you are a preserve or farm owner would make me feel a lot better about conducting business online.
As far as prices my 2 cents is there's a lot of factors I can see from the forethought of one day having to buy stockers myself...How many deer one is buying, taking the bad with the good, how much hunts are being sold for, what if something goes wrong and the animal dies, etc. The only 200" buck I've ever harvested was a management buck that I know the preserve lost money on because no one wanted to pay for his score with his narrow frame. If you knew every deer was going to survive and be harvested then that is one thing, but there will always be deer lost from stress, sickness and fighting regardless and thus you cannot expect prices to be close to the cost of hunts. If you only have a few high dollar hunts a year a couple dead big bucks could negate all your profits. Personally I would see pricing depending on looks not score alone. From a financial standpoint I see no purpose or profit in buying deer under 160 or a 260 with 100" brows. In theory the most profitable all around would be mid 200" fairly clean deer. I am breeding 75% of mine away from that simply because I won't be able to afford to buy monsters and risk loosing them when I start.
Otherwise I agree with Roger. Waiting on auctions to set prices well... there is the option of not doing business with people like this. I've paid too much for deer because I wanted their breeding bad enough and gotten others at a steal just because of buying multiple. I don't haggle, if the price is close to what I'm willing I'll make an offer, and if it is fair I won't ask to pay less. I'm not big on trading either... Semen for semen ok but trading for live animals defeats the purpose, either it cost them nothing or you run the risk of no guarantee bc it is second or third hand semen.