God Help us!

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Apr 4, 2009
Fombell PA
I am praying for those involved in the school shooting today.......this world we live in is sick and full of Evil......I hope we bring our God back into our world soon.........kindergarden kids....a whole classroom killed....come on......my stomach is in knots over this tragedy.......
Gods speed and mercy for those involved..... Definitely holding my kindergarten closer today! Absolutely heart broken...
Root cause ,I believe is easy divorce. =broken families. "oath to god till death do us part."=kids with no respect and no morals.ask any teacher or bus driver.= gang mentality = even good kids fall in with the bad crowd. a lot more of them, then when we were young.

heck when I was young .bad kids had respect ,they just smoked .If you got in a fight you wrestled you didn't even punch. Let alone shoot. If you disagree then you are probably divorced. I could go on but its hard to . God has them in a better place .
dear John, I disagree......I am divorced with a child that is very well grounded.....he knows his Saviour and he knows right from wrong.....it does not matter married with children or divorced......it is the World we live in....the morals we now accept ( I don't and I am sure a lot of others don't either) as a society are pitiful.....we have taken God out of our schools...out of everything.......and now we pay the price...our kids pay the price.....the games our kids play now a days are crazy......they are living in a world without good morals and this is what it produces......How any person could go into a classroom and kill a bunch of innocent kindergartners is mind boggling to me...Let alone him being not to far from a kid himself!....it is beyond my way of thinking...and that is scary...very scary......God help us please!
ddwhitetails said:
dear john, i disagree......i am divorced with a child that is very well grounded.....he knows his saviour and he knows right from wrong.....it does not matter married with children or divorced......it is the world we live in....the morals we now accept ( i don't and i am sure a lot of others don't either) as a society are pitiful.....we have taken god out of our schools...out of everything.......and now we pay the price...our kids pay the price.....the games our kids play now a days are crazy......they are living in a world without good morals and this is what it produces......how any person could go into a classroom and kill a bunch of innocent kindergartners is mind boggling to me...let alone him being not to far from a kid himself!....it is beyond my way of thinking...and that is scary...very scary......god help us please!

amen, dont for get about those in the mall shooting also , f-ing nuts
Really Dear John Divorce come on give me a break I along with my brothers and sister come from a divorced family My Oldest brother just got home from his 3rd mission trip my sister was a straight A student that Graduated top of her class. Maybe people need to blame the person and the world we live in and all the crap we allow our kids to watch and play on Tv
It puts a lump in your gut knowing I have a six year old granddaughter in kindergarden.Some body said "where was GOD" my reply-remember you took GOD out of the school. I shutter to think what GOD will be thinking when 20 little souls reach heaven all at one time. In his speach today our president failed to ask all Americans to pray for these families wonder why?
dearjohn said:
Root cause ,I believe is easy divorce. =broken families. "oath to god till death do us part."=kids with no respect and no morals.ask any teacher or bus driver.= gang mentality = even good kids fall in with the bad crowd. a lot more of them, then when we were young.

heck when I was young .bad kids had respect ,they just smoked .If you got in a fight you wrestled you didn't even punch. Let alone shoot. If you disagree then you are probably divorced. I could go on but its hard to . God has them in a better place .

Hi dearjohn'

You are SO right, God has them in a better place, and that is FOR SURE!!!

Thank you Jesus for that, for they were not old enough to held accountable.

Although a broken home is a huge problem(I come from one), I don't believe it is the ''root'' of the problem. I believe divorce it is a 'symptom' of the main problem, and the main problem is not putting God first!

My Grandmother always said that the trouble today(which at that time was 30 years ago), was that the woman was leaving the home to make money, instead of staying home and raising and NURTURING the kids. I think she had a good point!

I could not agree more dearjohn that these problems of today spawn out of family life first and foremost, as well as the engagement into our general society/culture. But it is the lack of focus on God, and the lack of making Him the center piece of all we say and do within the aforementioned that is THEE ROOT of the problem...as well as ALL OF ALL PROBLEMS!!!!

I pray in agreement with you dearjohn that God will soothe all those with broken hearts.

I'm so hurt/touched by all this craziness! During my wife's and my prayer tonight over supper, there was much silence as we choked down our tears...unsuccessfully!

I CAN NOT imagine what the parents and all those close to these young kids that were shot and killed must feel right now...but I pray that God will comfort and touch all of them in a way that only He can.
ddwhitetails said:
dear John, I disagree......I am divorced with a child that is very well grounded.....he knows his Saviour and he knows right from wrong.....it does not matter married with children or divorced......it is the World we live in....the morals we now accept ( I don't and I am sure a lot of others don't either) as a society are pitiful.....we have taken God out of our schools...out of everything.......and now we pay the price...our kids pay the price.....the games our kids play now a days are crazy......they are living in a world without good morals and this is what it produces......How any person could go into a classroom and kill a bunch of innocent kindergartners is mind boggling to me...Let alone him being not to far from a kid himself!....it is beyond my way of thinking...and that is scary...very scary......God help us please!

Why did you make and brake an oath to God. You are lucky the kids have morals and respect. an awful lot of kids from broken homes are the opposite . Ask the teachers and bus drivers. nobody knows what an oath means. like I said the divorced ones would disagree. Its ok to break an oath if it makes you feel better right.
You know what dear john.......you are about as low as they get........you think you have it all figured out..........since you ask......and not that it is any of your business......but....I will tell you anyhow....just so you might feel better.......I didn't break an oath......I did everything in my power to save my marriage....but apparently my Ex wife didn't want to save the marriage.....she has since been married and divorced again....she actually rents an apartment from me and we are very good friends..........so now that you know my story please don't label me as one that has broken any oath .....I happened to take my oath seriously ........but it takes two to keep an oath Dear John.......and I had no control over how my Ex Wife felt about her commitment.......now I will say I had my faults when married to her....I never ever hurt her physically or cheated on her........but I had my faults just as we all have......but I was willing to do what ever it took to keep my marriage .......but it was not to be.....so I hope this makes you feel better Dear John........no I'm lying...I could care less how it makes you feel.......I would put my son up against any of your children any day and I can promise you his morals and or the way he carries himself will equal or be above your children for sure!
excuse me guys it is not about any of us it is about the families who lost children today
Keep taken cheep shots you two!!!!!! Double take your write on!!! To think two dip ***** would throw there dumb *** per. Views out here now of all time is terrible !!! Grow upppp!!!! Can't wait for these two self centered .......boys have to say now!!!! Sorry I'm heart broken over this ! Charlie.
DD and dear John go back and read your last threads!!!!!! I was going to say more but I will kneel at the foot of my bed and pray for all!!! Even you two DD and Dear John !!! .......
Well guys ....no one has been more heart broken over this tragedy than myself.....but when someone tells me I broke an oath to God I am going to defend myself.....sorry if it bothered you.......And thank you Charlie I can always use prayers.......

FYI - Yes, God hates divorce(Mal 2:16)...but that doesn't mean He doesn't allow it!

God has ALOT of ''ideals'' set before us in His Word that NONE of us are able to follow/adhere with absolute consistantly...to include the sanctity of marriage.

We(I), and I know I'm safe to say you dearjohn, stumble and fall at times as we navigate life in this world...oath or no oath to God and His word. We are all human and live in a fallen and cursed world. And this world is more of a mess today than EVER before(but that all lines up with the Bible).

The absolute BEAUTY of it all is, if you are a child of God...if you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior(and He can't be your Savior if He's not also your Lord)......then ALL our short-comings, all our stumbles and falls in life, all of our broken 'oaths'......in other words, ALL of our sin, ALL OF OUR SIN...is covered by the Blood of Jesus!!!(the only exception is disbelief in Jesus)

Father God...Again, please comfort and touch the hearts of all those surrounding these horrific and heinous events in a way that ONLY YOU CAN. This event has struck the world...Heavenly Father, please comfort and touch all our hearts...in Jesus name!
Received this in an email today,

Well worth the read - COLUMBINE STUDENT'S FATHER 12 YEARS LATER !! Guess our national leaders didn't expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he s aid to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful.

They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness.. The following is a portion of the transcript:

"Since the dawn of creation there has been both good &evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers.

"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.

"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent

I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.

Your laws ignore our deepest needs,

Your words are empty air.

You've stripped away our heritage,

You've outlawed simple prayer.

Now gunshots fill our classrooms,

And precious children die.

You seek for answers everywhere,

And ask the question "Why?"

You regulate restrictive laws,

Through legislative creed.

And yet you fail to understand,

That God is what we need!

"Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact.

What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs -- politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws.

Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts.

"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him.

To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA -- I give to you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone!

My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!"

- Darrell Scott

Do what the media did not - - let the nation hear this man's speech. Please send this oout to everyone you can!
It was a very sad tragedy , but what is sadder is how many abortions are done every day .

how many in a year. And our nation says that that is ok.

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