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Deer Farmer Forum

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Aug 22, 2012
Pfeifer, Kansas
howdy from ks to all the deer lovers here, i am soo glad i found this forum i have been kicking around the idea of raising whitetail for some time now and all the info on here has been a great help. i have a couple questions that are specific to my situation and would apprecialte any input. first is i only have a couple of acres to fence on my current property should i fence it all as one pen or split it up. i only plan on starting with two does and i am thinking fawns soo i can get the hang of bottle feeding, is this a smart idea or would i be better off getting adult does. i plan on AI ing them when they are old enough to breed. i would mostlikely sell the doe fawns due to limited space and keep the bucks for a couple years and then sell one the other or what not and use that to help purchase some more acreage and fence. at this point i would buy some more doe fawns. soo tell me is this crazy or am on a decent track
i believe right now around 1500, keep in mind too that i do not plan on funding my purchases based soley on the income of deer sale i am a taxidermist by trade. and am able to put away a good chunk of that income away every year.

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