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Metronizadole or Flagyl?

Joined Aug 2010
517 Posts | 0+
Does anyone here know anything about using Metronizadole to treat parasitic diseases in the White Tail?

I have not been able to find any info about its use in WTD either here or on the net. The deer dude geniuses are back to getting scripts from the dog DVMs and they claim this stuff works.

I put corrid in Rosa's water and am medicating via this route. Although her stool is good. All of the others had seriously bloody diarrhea and mucusy stools... I used someone's advice here and also placed Auremycin crumbles in the feed of the really badly affected does. So far (a week later) it seems they are doing ok.

I don't know which helped them more... the crumbles or the Metronizadole??

any experience with either? I know that Corrid or Albon is the drug of choice for coccidia infections which is what I'm assuming this is.

I would appreciate any input at all.


My vet just gave me some Metronizadole this morning to use on a yearling doe that I am having issues with. She has had diarrhea for the past couple weeks. I have tried corrid, ivomec plus, fendbendozal, strongid paste, genomocyin, and some other things. Nothing seems to be working. So... we shall see if this Metronizadole works. I pray it does!

I would be loading her up with probiotics as well with all that medication you have been giving he.....just my opinion......good luck!!
Dennis, I have been giving her probiotic paste and I drench her everyday with electrolytes and shock effect whitetail conditioner. I can't figure out what would be causing the diarrhea. She eats very little...if any.

Thunder, I sure hope it works.
Well, the Metronizadole worked like a charm. It cleared her up in two days. She is now back to eating food and gaining her energy back.
Morton Whitetails said:
Well, the Metronizadole worked like a charm. It cleared her up in two days. She is now back to eating food and gaining her energy back.

thats awsome, but what do you think it was ?

Does that come in a pill or liquid for a shot? If pill how did you get it in her? Just curious.
It is a pill... so I had to crush it up, mix it with some electrolyte gelling powder and drench it down her mouth using a large syringe. That electrolyte gelling powder makes a nice paste, so it easier to squirt it down their mouth. It works great for mixing up your own medicated concoctions.
Thank you for this advice re giving meds. That's really fantastic that she allows you to just squirt stuff into her mouth. What a tame girl! So is mine! Just love her so. The metronizadole appears to have cleared up the rehabber's bucks/does as well, but I also added auremycin crumbles to their feed, so this might also have had some positive effect. The metronizadole tabs were quite expensive, but appear to have worked. All the fecals were negative for his deer as well. I hope they stay that way.

By the way, for how many days are you supposed to treat your doe? Did the DVM advise a repeat dose as well?
Do you know if metronizadole can be used on fawns? I have 2 fawns that are 1 week old & have bad diarrhea----I have tried everything!
Are you using replacer? If so, I'd try cutting it a bit more with water, and add some crushed pumpkin to it (like for pies, but with NO SPICES). Have your tried ALBON? You can get the liquid from your DVM.
I learned this from dog breeders. They use panacure wormer which is made from fenbendazole which kills and controls coccidia and gardia and of course the main reason is it is a very safe white wormer. It is a liquid. When I worm my bottle babie fawns I put one cc in their milk for two days. No worms, no coccidia and no gardia. Really has made worm and coccidia not a problem with my fawns.

I'm happy to share what I've learned over the thirty years I have been raising deer and elk, sheep and goats. This was new information for me on the panacure which I learned two years ago. I always use it for coccidia on my bottle babies. It really works well with the added bonus I've wormed the fawns.

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