Does anyone here know anything about using Metronizadole to treat parasitic diseases in the White Tail?
I have not been able to find any info about its use in WTD either here or on the net. The deer dude geniuses are back to getting scripts from the dog DVMs and they claim this stuff works.
I put corrid in Rosa's water and am medicating via this route. Although her stool is good. All of the others had seriously bloody diarrhea and mucusy stools... I used someone's advice here and also placed Auremycin crumbles in the feed of the really badly affected does. So far (a week later) it seems they are doing ok.
I don't know which helped them more... the crumbles or the Metronizadole??
any experience with either? I know that Corrid or Albon is the drug of choice for coccidia infections which is what I'm assuming this is.
I would appreciate any input at all.
I have not been able to find any info about its use in WTD either here or on the net. The deer dude geniuses are back to getting scripts from the dog DVMs and they claim this stuff works.
I put corrid in Rosa's water and am medicating via this route. Although her stool is good. All of the others had seriously bloody diarrhea and mucusy stools... I used someone's advice here and also placed Auremycin crumbles in the feed of the really badly affected does. So far (a week later) it seems they are doing ok.
I don't know which helped them more... the crumbles or the Metronizadole??
any experience with either? I know that Corrid or Albon is the drug of choice for coccidia infections which is what I'm assuming this is.
I would appreciate any input at all.