Microchipping / ID Requirements--Pennsylvania

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Jun 17, 2010
Linesville, PA
We have a little doe fawn that ripped the metal tag from her ear. But she still has a farm tag in tact.

Our vet attempted to retag and it went badly and she now has 2 ripped ears and still no metal tag. We thought of microchipping, but our vet is telling us that we need a tattoo AND a microchip and that we would be required to buy a microchip scanner. Is this correct?

Our deer are pets with no intentions of selling.

Do tattooing and microchipping always have to be done together?

The fawn still has a plastic farm tag in her ear...can we just do tatoo OR chipping as a second form of ID?

Does microchipping require you to buy a scanner?

:confused:Thanks for any info. It's very much appreciated as we are new to deer farming!:confused:
You can contact Mary Martin at the PA Ag dept. for a copy of the state regs. Her number is 717-783-5309
Thanks Josh. I put a call in to her this morning and am waiting for a call back. The vet claims to have gotten the info from a Lexi at the PA Ag dept. So thought I'd check in here hoping for a quicker answer. I'm sure I'll get a call back soon.

I'm just not comfortable with retagging this fawn and am hoping that the farm tag and a tattoo will be acceptable.

Thanks for you help.

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