For Sale Mule deer semen reasonable

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Apr 4, 2009
Vaughn, MT 59487
We are selling semen from Mule deer almost every day. We have some nice desert semen available priced at 400 a straw. These are sons of a 280 inch 38 wide sire. If interested just email me or PM me. Thanks
We have sold out of second buck in attached images so we only have the first buck semen available. He is a nice three year old. We will try to collect a son of the big sire this week. He is DNA'd and called Kiabab Ranger. If we get a good collection we will sell it at 400 a straw introduction price. Kiabab will be my own back up buck after LAP AI.


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I'll just keep on breeding to big typical desert mule deer bucks that score from 206 B&C to 280 SCI and are 34 to 39 inch's wide as that is what really sells to our hunting community who are our real true customers like I have for so many years. If mule deer breeders like my deer that is fine. Really only matters to me if I like them as I have to look at them 365 days a year and I like the looks of typical desert type mule deer.
This is what I have breed from in mule deer just quality desert bucks. The daughters from these bucks are going to be LAP AI'd in November to some of the finest desert bucks I could put my hands on so I can hardly wait till spring to see their fawns. We will back up our does with a son of the big buck called Kiabab Ranger. The fawns should be just awesome.


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I'll just keep on breeding to big typical desert mule deer bucks that score from 206 B&C to 280 SCI and are 34 to 39 inch's wide as that is what really sells to our hunting community who are our real true customers like I have for so many years. If mule deer breeders like my deer that is fine. Really only matters to me if I like them as I have to look at them 365 days a year and I like the looks of typical desert type mule deer.
This is what I want to breed from in mule deer just quality desert bucks. The does from these bucks are going to be LAP AI'd too some of the finest desert bucks so I can hardly wait till spring to see them. They should be just awesome.

Ya that would work Jack. maybe keep that stuff out of the hands of those big money guys? Unless you demand bigger money .lol..Cool Bucks
I'll just keep on breeding to big typical desert mule deer bucks that score from 206 B&C to 280 SCI and are 34 to 39 inch's wide as that is what really sells to our hunting community who are our real true customers like I have for so many years. If mule deer breeders like my deer that is fine. Really only matters to me if I like them as I have to look at them 365 days a year and I like the looks of typical desert type mule deer.
This is what I have breed from in mule deer just quality desert bucks. The daughters from these bucks are going to be LAP AI'd in November to some of the finest desert bucks I could put my hands on so I can hardly wait till spring to see their fawns. We will back up our does with a son of the big buck called Kiabab Ranger. The fawns should be just awesome.

Jack these bucks are better looking than some of the stuff some are pushing on facebook for 2 and 3 grand, Crazy the hype some will believethats going to be the next big thing. I will bet you get some big names mad at you for selling these great straws at a real world price. Good For You!!!
I also have semen priced from 400 to 3000 a straw and have bought semen for 3000 a straw from very nice bucks. I don't buy northern buck semen as it is my opinion it will not give me the look I want. As most of you know I do put up post mortem desert semen and some good northern bucks for semen sales so I can supply very reasonable good semen for that first generation cross to whitetails.
I don't think the fellows you are talking about would be mad at me as some of them are friends of mine and buy my deer and mule deer semen. But yes some don't like me because I speak my mind. I don't hype up my deer because it is just not my way but thanks to the fellows who do as now my deer are worth more and sell in advance of being born. I'm sold out of northern deer for 2017.
My new desert 2017 fawns will be 75% to 87.5% desert and I will keep many of them for my own herd improvement. My northern fawns were priced at 3000 either sex and my good desert fawn crosses have started to sell at a starting price of $9500 in advance of being born. Life is good being a mule deer breeder for almost 40 years and it's about time mule deer were looked at because they are way nicer than whitetail in friendliness and have little flight fear going on. In all the years I've been in deer I have had only one mule deer hit the fence and die and it was my fault as I shut a gate at dark and a fawn ran into it because he was used to going through the gate. Friends keep on hyping up mule deer as hyping is a way of selling deer right or wrong.
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This will be my finest quality year in mule deer. We will be making 87.5% desert mule deer fawns this spring in 2017. Most semen bucks we used were from 240 to 280 in antler and most were 34 inches and up to 39 inches wide. All solid typical frame and wide just what breeders and our shooter market should want.
We have sold most female fawns from these mating's plus I will be keeping many for my own herd advancement.
We still have a few male fawns from these mating's available. I expect my does will produce many breeder quality bucks in 2017. Price on breeder quality buck fawns is 9500.
I've always liked mule deer better than whitetail mostly for the mule deer's calm disposition and friendly way.
Just a update today Nov 27th is my LAP AI day for mule deer. Weather is fine here 50 degrees so Mother Nature will not hurt me this year like it did last year. I'm so excited to be making fawns that will be 87.5% desert mule deer because I know these fawns will be the best I have ever made. I personally feel these fawns will be the best made anywhere in the States.
I want to thank Darren Decker, Michael Heiter, John Manta, John Ward, Tad Puckett, and Randy Valentine for live animal sales and all the people who bought over 100 straws of mule deer semen this year. Thanks to all of you I really appreciate your confidence in my mule deer.
Just a update (Nov 29 )on our LAP AI and clone program. Weather was very good for us this year and reversing the animals went very well. Semen bought for the deer was good this year. I can say doing LAP AI from Nov 21 to Nov 29 was a lot of work. But I like it that way.
On my sheep LAP AI I pulled semen from our stone sheep and put it in all hybrid bighorns. I believe this will make some very nice lambs that look wild.
DECEMBER 9, 2016 Just a update we have sold all the 2017 mule deer fawns and have sold all the adult mule deer does I want to sell in 2017 so we are out of mule deer for 2017. Thanks to all the buyers I appreciate your business and support. We have also sold out of all the 2017 Stone/bighorn crosses. We still have 2016 hybrid bighorn lambs and adults to sell.


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Here is one of the new bucks we did LAP AI with this year on our mule deer. He is a desert mule deer. He fits right in with my mule deer stock direction. I think he will make some fine 2017 fawns for us. We have been in the CWD program since 1999.
Dec 28 Update on our LAP AI. Our back up buck only found two doe for breeding. One was bred to Excalibur and one to this buck. If our buck is right this will get us up around 85% plus for sure on AI. The Excalibur semen was very light in semen and not even able to be split. The buck on this thread was very good semen and would be able to split two or three times. I don't split semen so my does got 1/2cc each as we put in 1/4cc on each side of the horn.
I did put in a back up buck yearling whitetail (8x9 typical) with my whitetail but I'm pretty sure he is just forcing himself on the does as he puts one in the corner for three days and moves on to another. I think he would be put in jail for rape if he were human. June will tell the story on my LAP AI with my whitetail on the success for the program.


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One of my old suppliers has contacted me yesterday (Jan 10 ). He had lost my contact information but we are on track again for 2017 with great mule deer bucks.

So if you are wanting to get some good reasonable semen which will not be related to anything or need a out cross or just want to make some hybrid mule deer I'm your guy.
Here is a buck his clients got in 2016. He had many other bucks but I liked this one.

Just email or PM me and I will put you on my contact list when we get some of the semen.
[email protected]


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I have been selling mule deer back East for a long time. Over that time I have found out many things that should help people who buy mule deer and feel I should share this with mule deer buyers.
1.) Whitetail deer have and carry meningeal worms but have developed to live with these parasites. Mule deer on the other hand if they get the worm will die. As meningeal worms are back East in a big way those that buy mule deer should at least worm with ivermic once each month to control these worms. I feel this is very important.
2.) Mule deer don't do well back East because it is just too wet. Moisture, rain, heavy morning wet grass are all things you need to control as best you can. My advice is to mow your pens, place pen facing south on a slope if you can so they dry out fast. I recommend the placing of sheds in the pen so they can get out of the rain. They will use them.
3.) I also recommend you bottle feed the fawns because of rain and fly's. Mule deer fawns are very susceptible to Ecoli so a good Ecoli vaccine given to the female mule deer six week before birth will help make the best colostrum for the first milk for the fawn.
4.) Feed is very important to mule deer. It is my opinion corn fed above 10% of the diet will cause digestive problems. We feed daily about 1 pound of cob to our mule deer to keep them friendly and so we can look at them for a check on them. Cob is a mixture of oats, barley and a little corn with molasses. They really are browsers and will eat lots of leaves if provided. We feed about 1 pound pellets per 100 pounds of deer of Purina mule deer 22% protein every day plus good second cutting alfalfa also. In summer they live in old alfalfa fields here on my place.
People that did this did quite well with mule deer back East for me. I hope this helps people that buy mule deer from me or my competitors as I like my mule deer and want to see them do well.
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Im a whitetail breeder in alabama interested in trying to produce mule /whitetail crosses in our state. I want to breed as close to 100% as possible. I have a plan to breed some of my does that come from typical lineage. Unfortunately Alabama is a closed border state so I would have to use semen. I am new to this industry and would like some solid advice on how to achieve my goal. Am I on target with crossing once with 100% semen and then again with 100% on my doe off spring to bring me up to 75%? how do i get beyond the 75% grade? breed again? How many breedings would it take?

How well will a mule cross do here in central east alabama? Any advice would be grateful. You seem to kn ow quite a lot about this. Would you be willing to help?

Southern Empire Whitetails
Check your pm on here I have answered your questions.

As most of you know I have been doing this for almost forty years. I have sold pure mule deer back East for many years and yet I know of no big herds back there. That in itself should tell you something. Going anywhere it is wet and rainy will need extra steps to keep them healthy. For those thinking about doing this in areas like this here is what I feel you need to do to keep mule deer alive.
They will need a south facing pen with a slope so the rain will drain and dry fast.
They will need sheds to get out of the bad weather.
They don't need much corn as it causes digestive upsets.
They need their pen mowed so the grass can dry fast.
Most important is they will need to be wormed with ivermic once a month to control meningeal worms as these worms will kill mule deer. Whitetail have been exposed to meningeal and the worm will work it's way right in whitetail but will go to the brain and kill mule deer.
I would also think you will have to bottle feed the fawns.
Bottom line is I have always felt hybrids will do the best back East.

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