New chapter in my life

Deer Farmer Forum

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Apr 14, 2009
Annville, Pennsylvania
Well, I have not been feeling well for a few weeks now and in fact just recently gotten over pnemonia but still weak and coughing. Attended several auctions and just found myself not myself. Well, after spending a few days in the hospital this week I know know what the issue is. I must have surgery to correct a leaky valve in my heart, yes, open heart surgery at age 47. I will tell you all I am nervouse for this to happen, nervouse about the pain I am going to endure with the splitting of the chest bone, opening the heart and Lord willing, allowing it to restart.I have mixed emotions about this since loosing my wife to cancer just 5 months ago, is it my time? how much more must I endure? I feel like the 3 legged dog everyone is tired of stepping over and now are just kicking. Just in case things don't turn out like I hope they do I wanted every one to know how much I have enjoyed getting to know you all over the past several years. The deer industry is a great business and I do hope I am in it for a long time yet to come. I just entered into an agreement with Antler Run for one of their does and I am sure looking forward to getting her. I will miss NaDeFa this year and I am sad about that but my company, Streamline Products, Inc. will be there and I hope you all stop by and welcome Brad as you would have me and I know he will fill you in on my progress. You all are great people who help and care for one another when things get tough and I am glad to be a part of this great organization. I am a life member of the PA Deer Farmers as well as NaDeFa and I support both for their willingness to help and to make changes where needed. Surgery is scheduled for 2/28 and then a 6 day hospital stay then to my parents for some recoperating time, again Lord willing. When I am able I will post something to let you all know how things went, if you don't hear from me by mid March, well then I suppose things didn't go as planned. I have no wife to let you all know but hopefully someone will be able to keep you posted. Like I said, it has been a pleasure getting to know you all and I do hope to continue our relationship soon. Thanks for everything, God Bless you all and may the Lords will be done.

Your friend, Henry Martin
You are in are prayers. Don't worry they do this operation all the time. You will be deer farming soon.
The pleasure is truly ours old boy. God bless and good luck! Great doe purchase too by the way!!!LOL
Henry good luck our prayers our with you as I was reading the post out loud to my 8 yr old she said daddy he has a bad heart like me but he will be fine like when I had mine :) it just brought tears to my eyes when she has so much faith and spirit even if we loose our faith this little girl reminds me and everyone we know that no matter what GOD throws at us our faith shall stay strong
Henry, please stay strong and keep the faith!! We are praying for you!! Allen
Henry I will be praying for you and as mentioned above they do this sort of operation a lot and you will be fine. I know easy for me to say as I am not going through it. But, look at it as a good thing and you will be better than you were before with the leaky valve...thank the Lord they found it before it gave you issues. I pray for a full recovery and that you come out of this closer to our great father who will be watching over you through the entire thing. God Bless!!

You will be in and out before you know it. The food will help with you making the decision to get home early. LOL All joking aside we will be praying for a fast and speedy recovery.
Your a great guy Henry and I know you will be fine! I know guys in there 70s and 80s that had valve replacements and pulled through fine, your young age will be an advantage!! great to see you at the sportsman show Im sure you will be there next year!!!

Scott Neeb

Chanlow Farms

The Heart of Pa Dutch Country
Henrey you will be in our prayers, remember god has a plan for all of us. Hopefully his plan for you is to continue to deer farm
Henry---You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Like the previous posts, they do this operation all the time...that is so very true. My dad had the same procedure done a year ago in January. It feels 110% better. The biggest thing is take it easy when you get not over do it. Keep the faith..God will lead you the right way....

Glad they found it in time, youll be up and at it in no time. Best of health to you.
Henry, Me and my prayer warriors (grandkids) will pray for you every step of the way. "Let your heart not be troubled" as the bible says. In your case physically and spiritually. God be with you. Ol'Scrape.
Several folks have asked me for the address to the hospital so here it is, thanks guys for all the encourageing words, they do help.

The Good Samaritan Hospital

4th & Walnut Streets

Lebanon, PA 17042

Remember, I will be in the Cardiac ICU for a few days following the procedure.

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