I'm bottle feeding one fawn so far this year. I did four, two years ago, and used raw goats milk. This year I'm trying red cap. I just want some reassurance on working with this milk. I understand you let them drink all they want. Is this correct? My fawn is 5 days old today and she's drinking about 6-8 oz. at a shot.(sometimes 10) I let her drink until she's not interested any more and try a couple minutes later and see if she wants a little more. I feed her at 6, 11, 5, and 10. Then not until almost 6 the next morning. Is this OK? She seems fine so far. She poops almost every feeding and it's like playdough. She does pee alot, though, and even pees on her own. She is still pretty wobbly on those long legs yet and I'm just worried if she's getting enough nutrition. She seems spunky and alert after she eats but a couple minutes of roaming around and exploring and she's off to sleep until next bottle. She eats a little dirt and has nibbled some greens but not drinking any water yet. I can't think of anything else to say about her so if anyone has any comments or suggestions please let me hear them. I'm just worried I'm doing her justice with this red cap method. Any advice? Thanks.