Hello everyone, never posted pics before but pretty excited about this buck. I'm a small breeder with only 22 dee,r 11 bucks and 11 does, out of Marty Berry's pure south tx Genetics. Bought 4 bred does to start a few years ago and have been AI'ing since and I am excited about this 2 year old born in my pens. He bred 11 does last year, a tall order for a 1 year old but have not had a breeder and was strictly AI. Gambled a little but he had a great frame at 1.
He looks similar to his sire Berrylicious a pure south tx buck who was 191 at 2, 283 at 3 and 303 at 4 and won 1st at TDA competition as typical and Nontypical with gross scores of 256T and 303NT. Finally feel like seeing results with 2 yearlings that probably beat this buck at 1 by 25 inches.
He looks similar to his sire Berrylicious a pure south tx buck who was 191 at 2, 283 at 3 and 303 at 4 and won 1st at TDA competition as typical and Nontypical with gross scores of 256T and 303NT. Finally feel like seeing results with 2 yearlings that probably beat this buck at 1 by 25 inches.