W. Whitetails said:
She was sick a month ago. She stopped eatting. So, we gave her a shot of c&d antitoxin. She is better, but on the info for the c&d it states:
"C&D Antitoxin - Over-the-counter made-for-goats product that can be safely used for many problems. Colorado Serum's C&D Antitoxin is my choice. Severe diarrhea in very young kids, toxicity caused by plants, poisons (bites, overeating disease, bloat, ruminal acidosis, and ingestion of toxic sustances like azaleas and antifreeze are several examples), one of the products administered to combat Floppy Kid Syndrome . . . these are a few of the applications of this very versatile product which is almost impossible to overdose. This product provides short-term protection (about 12 hours) but works quickly towards solving the immediate problem. Follow label directions. Always have this product on hand; there is no substitute for it. Must be refrigerated. C&D Antitoxin negates any protection previously given by the CD/T vaccine. Therefore, the producer must wait for at least five days after completion of C&D Antitoxin therapy and re-vaccinate the animal with the initial CD/T injection and the booster 30 days thereafter. This is extremely important to remember. "