The vet will have all the stuff he/she needs to do do the actual testing, you are basically only required to immobilize the animals, or run them through a chute. I dont know Kentucky's requirments for testing but I imagine it is the same as here and most every other state, you will need to test all animals over 12 months old, weather they are new to the farm or not. My advice for a first time test, Get a game plan to get them all tested as quickly and least stressful as possible, you dont want to be chasing after a single deer for a half hour, you are paying the vet's time. When i say quickly I mean as quickly as you can do it SAFELY, rushing through it without a plan will only result in you or a deer getting injured. We all know a plan can go sour quickly, all it takes is when very stressed deer running in an absolute panic, but if you know your deer and go over the routine a few times, the odds are going to be more in your favor when the testing day comes. I dart my deer for testing, i learned form my first test, and when i did it the second time i cut the time in half, and more importantly all my animals made it safely through the test with as little stress as i could possibly put them through. Hopefully someone else here will help answer your question about working them with a chute, i have no expierence in that department. Let us know if you have any other concerns.